* **server:** Fix a race condition related to handling of worker initialization errors with multiple workers
* **func:** Add `lru_cache()` which is a coroutine version of `functools.lru_cache()`
* **server:** Fix a race condition related to signal handling in the multiprocessing module during termination * **server:** Improve error handling during initialization of workers (automatic shutdown of other workers and the main loop after logging the exception)
* Add a new module `aiotools.func` with `apartial()` function which is an async version of `functools.partial()` in the standard library
* Add `aclosing()` context manager like `closing()` in the standard library * Speed up Travis CI builds for packaging * Now provide README in rst as well as CHANGES (this file)
* `server`: Fix spawning subprocesses in child workers * Add support for `uvloop`