Latest version: v4.0.2

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- Added missing ``brightness`` attribute to Colour.


- Add support for the new `/supreme` endpoint.


Ayo another major release! A lot of endpoints that were previously removed are now back!!

- Full rewrite of the library.
- Added support for new endpoints: `achievement, challenge, captcha, didyoumean, drake, facts, scroll, pornhub,` and probably more.
- Updated the `colour` endpoint to support the new fields, you'll need to update your code to use the new fields.
- Rewritten the docs again to be more readable and split up into multiple pages.
- Library should be fully typed now.
- Changed license from MIT to MPL-2.0.


- Python version bumped to >=3.8
- Addeed typings.
- Removed token argument.
- Removed `loop` kwarg from `Client()` constructor.
- Removed following methods: `achievement, amiajoke, bad, calling, captcha, challenge, colour_image, colour_image_gradient, colourify, did_you_mean, drake, facts, filter, floor, fml, joke_overhead, pornhub, salty, shame, scroll, ship, supreme, trash, what`.
- Removed the following classes: `Image, MinecraftIcons, Filters, MissingTokens`
- Added the following classes: `RGB`
- `Colour.image_gradient` renamed to `Colour.gradient`.
- `Colour.blackorwhite_text` renamed to `Colour.black_or_white_text`.
- `Colour.shade` renamed to `Colour.shades`.
- `Colour.tint` renamed to `Colour.tints`.
- `Colour.rgb` now returns a `RGB` object.
- `Colour.rgb_values` renamed to `Colour.rgb`.
- Added `Colour.rgb_string` this returns a string in the format `rgb(r, g, b)` which was previously returned by `Colour.rgb`.
- Rewritten `HTTPSession` to `HTTPClient`.
- Rewritten the docs.


- Added new method: [`.coffee()`](docs.mdawait-alex_apicoffee) . Makes a request to
which then returns a random coffee image URL.
- Token is no longer required due to the following method not requiring a token anymore:
`colour, colour_image, colour_image_gradient, birb, dogs, sadcat, cats, coffee`.
- New Exception added: `MissingToken`, this is raised when a method that is not listed above is used with a token being
present in the constructor.
- Removed `.github_colours()` since the endpoint it used is gone.
- `.colour()` `.colour_image()` and `.colour_image_gradient()` now accepts a "python like hex". E.g, 0x9a6b48. Also, it
can take a now.

- Suggestions are as always welcome, you can ping me in the [AlexFlipnote server](,
general_developers channel.


- Added support for new [Filter](docs.mdawait-alex_apifiltername-image): **mirror**
- Added [colourify](docs.mdawait-alex_apicolourifyimage-colour--none-background--none) to the docs. For some reason
this wasn't there since the beginning.
- Rewritten the docs to be easier to read and understand. [Go To Docs](

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