- Added support for a new endpoint: `.what()` [See more in docs](docs.mdawait-alex_apiwhatimage) - Now using urllib.parse to parse text. - Added `bytesio=True` to `Image.read()` set it to False if you want the bytes returned instead of an io.BytesIO object. - Removed `.steam()`. - Added alias for `.colourify()` -> `colorify` - Added alias for `.colour_image_gradient()` -> `color_image_gradient` - Added [Filters enum](docs.mdfilters) for `.filter()` - Changed Icon enum for `.achievement()` and `.challenge()` to [MinecraftIcons](docs.mdminecrafticons) with better docs. - Added an optional `loop` param to `alexflipnote.Client()`
- Removed `.steam()`. Reason: ratelimited too much - AlexFlipnote - All errors now have text, finally json errors! - Added "User-Agent" - Added `__author__` & `__license__` next to `__version__` - Better README.md - Added examples to docs.md and fixed typo - Added dates to changelog.md
- Added missing `.lower()` for `.filter()`
- docs.md and README.md improvements. New version to update it on PyPi.
- Added an optional `session` param to `alexflipnote.Client()`. - Renamed `_session` to `session`
- Now these: `"`, `'`, `(`, `)`, `+`, `,`, `-`, `.`, `/` also get replaced for methods that require text.