- Bug fix in ecephys - Added support for VBN source density jobs. - Bug fix for pg8000
- Add ability to extract running speed from mulit-stimulus experiments - Compatible with pandas 1.4
- Fixes bug that caused file paths on windows machines to be incorrect in Visual behavior user-facing classes - Updates to support MESO.2 - Loosens/updates required versions for several dependencies - Updates in order to generate valid NWB files for Neuropixels Visual Coding data collected between 2019 and 2021
- Fixes bug that was preventing the BehaviorSession from properly instantiating passive sessions.
- Major internal refactor to BehaviorSession, BehaviorOphysExperiment classes. Implements DataObject pattern for fetching and serialization of data.
- Documentation changes ahead of SWDB 2021 - Bugfix to CloudCache; it is now possible for multiple users to share a cache.