- Created lookup table to get monitor_delay for cases where calculation from data fails - If sync timestamp file has more timestamps than eye tracking moving has frame, trim excess timestamps (up to 15) - Session API returns both warped and unwarped stimulus images, and both are written to NWB
- Refactored behavior and ophys session and data APIs to remove a circular inheritance issue - Fixed segmentation mask and roi_mask misregistration in 'BehaviorOphysSession' - Replaces BehaviorOphysSession.get_roi_masks() method with roi_masks property - Fixes bug which prevented the SDK from loading stimuli dataframes for static gratings - Return event detection data through session API - Read/write event detection data from/to NWB - Time stamps for events in trial_log are set to the exact sync timestamp of the corresponding frame. - For behavior-only sessions, sync-like timestamp of the first frame is set to zero. - stimulus_templates in Session API returns new object with key of image name - Refactored BehaviorOphysSession to inherit methods and properties from BehaviorSession - Fixed a test for checking that Behavior and BehaviorOphysSessions contain the same data regardless of which API (LIMS/JSON/NWB) is used. Also fixed resulting failure cases.
- Adds ability to write and read behavior only NWB files - Adds eye tracking ellipse fits and metadata as new NWB data stream - OPhys Behavior data retrieval methods no longer depend on ROIs being ordered identically in different files.
- Adds unfiltered running speed as new data stream - run_demixing gracefully ignores any ROIs that are not in the input trace file
- update deprecated call to scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.as_dcm() to .as_matrix()
- When running raster_plot on a spike_times dataframe, the spike times from each unit are plotted twice. (thank you dgmurx) - improvements and fixes to behavior ophys NWB files. - improvements and fixes to BehaviorProjectCache tables including new column "donor_id" - implemented a timeout to obtaining an ecephys session. (thank you wesley-jones) - big overhaul of how Behavior and BehaviorOphys classes are structured for the visual behavior project. See https://github.com/AllenInstitute/AllenSDK/pull/1789