- we removed the app contact from allink_core/apps. you need to delete all occurrences of ``, `` and `contact-form` [46](
- we removed the app event from allink_core/apps. you need to delete all occurrences of `allink_apps.event`, `apps.event` and file `_events.scss` [48](
- we removed the app newsletter from allink_core/apps. you need to delete all occurrences of `allink_apps.newsletter`, `apps.newsletter`, `path('mailchimp/'...` in and file `__signup-form.scss` [49](
- we removed the app testimonials from allink_core/apps. you need to delete all occurrences of `allink_apps.testimonials`, `apps.testimonials`, and file `__testimonials.scss` [51](
- we removed the app allink_terms from allink_core/core_apps. [52](
- we removed the app allink_pdf from allink_core/core_apps. [52](
- we removed the app allink_icon from allink_core/core_apps. [52]( you need to delete `_icon-plugin.scss`.
- teaser softpage_enable is now default False [41](
- add proper xmlns:xhtml in sitemap.xml [40](
- fixed button link plugin file links [43](
- overwrite dragitem.html so AllinkContentColumnPlugin can't be copied or deleted anymore [45](
- translate locations opening hours [52](
- render_image uses now subject_location by default [42](
- AllinkBaseFormPlugin was changed to fit the requirements on current projects [47](
- added AllinkBasePluginAjaxCreateView [47](