
Latest version: v2.8.2

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- admin and plugins are no longer translated, we removed every translated string from the admin. This should make translation of the customer specific frontend relevant fields easier.
- The favicon set is now added with an include rather than rendered with a templatetag.


- Removed `softpage-variation`. There is only one type of softpage now.
- Removed the following modules:
- to-the-top
- masonry
- mailchimp
- instagram
- grid-dynamic
- members
- Replaced a lot of fixed spacing styles with fluid spacings, merged variables.
- Removed old column mixins.
- Removed content-section first- & last-child spacings
- Removed `col-5` and `col-6` grid layouts
- Removed `$max-width-xl`. Now scaling is more fluid.
- Removed parallax effect from content plugin.
- Removed `font-display-1` mixin and styles.
- Removed bootstrap-sass dependency. Moved relevant styles and mixins into core-static files.
- Split `_variables.scss` file up into multiple files.
- Replaced standard mediaqueries with more readable mixins (`scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss`)
- Added new default breakpoints (`scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss`):
// All breakpoints that we use are defined here
$grid-breakpoints: (
// Default breakpoints for general usage:

// Extra small screen / phone
xs: 320px,
// Small screen / tablet
sm: 560px,
// Medium screen / desktop
md: 800px,
// Large screen / wide desktop
lg: 1040px,
// Extra Large screen / wide desktop
xl: 1280px,
// Extra Large screen / wide desktop
xxl: 1760px,

// Fine-grainded breakpoints for specific usage:
0: 0px,
1: 320px,
2: 400px,
3: 480px,
4: 560px,
5: 640px,
6: 720px,
7: 800px,
8: 880px,
9: 960px,
10: 1040px,
11: 1120px,
12: 1200px,
13: 1280px,
14: 1360px,
15: 1440px,
16: 1520px,
17: 1600px,
18: 1680px,
19: 1760px,

- Added eslint with default config.
- The mixin make-container now uses fluid paddings.
- Added script for browser recognition/suggestions:
import `'./modules/browser-recognition';` to app.js
include `'includes/browser-check.html'` to your base_root template

- Added font-cropping mixin
// Variables:
$font-h1-crop-top: 0.1em;
$font-h1-crop-bottom: 0.3em;

// Mixin (add to i.e. font-h1()):
include text-crop($font-h1-crop-top, $font-h1-crop-bottom);

- Added generic `fluid-size` mixin. You can now add a size-map directly

include fluid-size((min: 7.8125rem, max: 14.0625rem), width);

- mixin button-variation border-colors depend on new settings in $btn-variation map.
Set to true if borders should be displayed:

`'border': true,`
`'border-hover': true,`
`'border-disabled': true,`

file in project: `./static/scss/base/variables/_forms.scss`
- Added Page padding and grid-gutter-width for small devices (`scss/base/_grid.scss`):
//** Number of columns in the grid.
$grid-columns: 24;
//** Padding between columns. Gets divided in half for the left and right.

$grid-gutter-width-xs: 1.25rem;
$grid-gutter-width: 3.75rem;

$page-padding-width-xs: 1.5625rem;
$page-padding-width: 5rem;

- Added sticky footer styles.
- Added new overlay menu module and nav-toggle. It is now decoupled from modals. Styles are available on project basis.
- Added DjangoCMS Modules:
- Each modules creates a css-class from its title: `cms-module-<module-slug>`
- Added SEO Accordion plugin.
- SCSS Variables: `scss/base/variables/_seo-accordion.scss`
- SCSS Default Styles: `scss/plugins/_seo-accordion.scss`
- JS: `js/modules/seo-accordion.js`
- Added `spacings-size` mixin. Sizes available in (`scss/base/variables/_spacings.scss`):

.container {
include spacings-size(spacing-scale-1, margin-top);

- Introduced 16px as root font-size (`scss/typography/_global.scss`)
- Added default icons for softpage and external links.
- Added text link background animation (`scss/base/variables/_links.scss`).
- Added flex-based grid mixins (`scss/mixins/_grid.scss`)
- Typofix `spacing-gutter-width` spacing
- Improved softpage transition
- Fixed modal-header layout
- Fixed various vulnerabilities
- Fixed swiper autoplay options
- Applied `cms-content-refresh` event to modules:
- Default Modal
- Form Modal
- Image Modal
- Softpage
- Applied spacings-sizes to some styles.
- Layout fixes in .tingle-modal-header.
- Made nav-toggle and modal header close button use fluid-size and correct positioning.
- Made `spacings-size` mixin more generic for more properties (i.e. height), only provide property shorthand for margin and padding.
- Added `hypens` mixin to all typography mixins
- Cleanup app-content template styles
- Reorganzied button styles
- Updated default swiper layout and swiper content change event.
- Updated softpage layout, improved nav-toggle styles.
- Moved dev-dependencies from core-static into project.

The information for each release is divided into the following chapters:

These changes might not be backward compatible and require updating existing code. (If not applied correctly your update will fail)
change your accordingly
if templates from allink_core are overridden, you have to apply these changes as well in the project templates.
changes to
new or changed requirements
stuff to migrate by hand or create data migrations manually
new features or plugins
general bugfixes

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