What's Changed
* Update Python version and jax version. Please be aware that the singularity image was updated as well. There are now 2 singularity images, one for the results generated by AlphaPulldown prior than version 1.0.0 and the other for the predictions generated by AlphaPulldown after version 1.0.0. Please check the details in Section 3 in [example_1.md](https://github.com/KosinskiLab/AlphaPulldown/blob/main/manuals/example_1.md) or [example_2.md](https://github.com/KosinskiLab/AlphaPulldown/blob/main/manuals/example_2.md)
* Allow the users to integrate cross-link mass spec data with AlphaFold predictions via AlphaLink2. Please refer to [run_with_AlphaLink2.md](https://github.com/KosinskiLab/AlphaPulldown/blob/main/manuals/run_with_AlphaLink2.md) for the details.
* Can use multimeric templates for guiding AlphaFold predictions, please refer to [example_3.md](https://github.com/KosinskiLab/AlphaPulldown/blob/main/manuals/example_3.md) for details. Credits to DimaMolod
* Added options to compress or remove pickle files in the results directories so that the output directories take much smaller space. Thanks to the advice from joshtburdick