
Latest version: v2.0.1

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What's Changed
* Now tidied up the structure of submodules
* Fixed the import error when executing the cells in the jupyter notebook as reported in 137
* Fixed the issue with randome seeds that may cause int overflows. Many thanks to jkosinski


What's Changed
* Now fixed pdbfixer version to 1.6.0 when creating the conda env Many thanks to deniskristak

* Fixed the error of ``template_confidence_scores many thanks to Pooryamb and kashyapchhatbar


What's Changed
* Now will continue even if the protein is not aligned to any templates instead of stopping the programme
* Allowed obsolete pdb to be used for template searching while running mmseqs mode. Many thanks to kttn8769


What's Changed
* Now will check if all proteins have their template features calculated and handle the exceptions if not.
* Fixed the issue with displaying 3D models in the output.ipynb


What's Changed
* Now support AlphaFold 2.3.0
* The user is strongly suggested installing a new conda env for AlphaPulldown 0.30.0 if previous version of AlphaPulldown has already been installed. Both the python version and some dependencies' versions have been changed due to the requirements in AlphaFold 2.3.0
* Fixed the error in the calculation of pDockQ score within alpha-analysis.sif singularity image.
* Users who haven't updated their databases according to the requirements of AlphaFold 2.3.0 can still run older version of AlphaPulldown on their old version of databases. Please refer to the branch AlphaFold-2.2.0 for the instructions.

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* Fixed the issue with
* Allow the user to use custom template databases even while using mmseqs2 by specifying inputs for template_mmcif_dir and pdb70_database_path when running

**Full Changelog**:

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