This version includes many new features and fixes important bugs of version
0.4.0. Additionally, the usability has been improved and the syntax has been
simplified. This version also has various visualization features and improved
storage methods for evaluation results. Furthermore, the parallelization of
methods has been made robust and has been successfully tested on different HPC
New features:
* progress bar (LH)
* cluster algorithm for particles of different sizes (LH)
* Gaussian kernel density estimation (LH)
* method to plot the simulation box (LH)
* loading continuum data (KS)
* analyzing continuum data with evaluate objects (LH, AM)
* domain length function (KS)
* weighted running mean (KS, KD)
* segmented mean (KS, KD)
* cluster detection for continuum fields (AM, KS)
* Voronoi tesselation (KD, SM)
* cluster properties: center of mass, radius of gyration, end-to-end distance, inertia tensor, linear extension (AM)
* save evaluate results in HDF5 file (LH)
* HDF5-based database for evaluation results (LH)
* plot particles with correct size (ME, AM)
* nearest neighbors and k nearest neighbors (LH)
* general bond order parameter (AM)
* general time correlation function (ME)
* video creation (ME, KD, KS)
* 2d histogram (ME)
* general fit class (KS, AM, MC)
* AMEP plot styles (ME, LH)
* local density calculation from Voronoi diagrams (KD)
* number of next neighbors from Voronoi diagrams (KD)
* plot fields (AM)
Bug fixes:
* `amep.plot.format_axis` improved (LH)
* hexagonal order parameter calculation improved (SM)
* small bugs in `amep.plot.add_inset` fixed (LH)
* bug in `amep.load.traj` fixed related to wrong error message for `reload=False` (LH)
* `amep.utils.time_average` renamed to `amep.utils.average_func` and returns correct number of outputs (MC)
* wrong values of the structure factor for `q=0` are now excluded from the result (MC)
* bug related to accuracy value in `amep.spatialcor.sf2d` fixed (LH)
* bug in `` fixed (MC)
* small bugs in evaluate module fixed (LH)
* kdtree bug with coords at box border fixed (LH)
* `amep.pbc.pbc_points` twod keyword simplified (LH)
* storing `h5amep` files in different directory (LW, LH)
* bug related to cancelling parallelized methods (LH)
* parallelization improved (LH)
* `` bug related to fnmatch (wildcard characters ignored) fixed (LH)
* metadata handling in trajectory files improved and simplified (LH)
* bug fixed in `amep.base.BaseReader` related to temporary `h5amep` files that are not deleted (KD)
* `amep.base.BaseFrame` "get_" removed for better usability (LH)
* Gaussian fit function improved (MC, KS, AM)
* bug in `amep.thermo.kintemp` fixed (ME, KD)
* `amep.spatialcor.pcf_angle` problems if `other_coords` contains only one particle fixed (KS, MC)
* evaluate objects now also have times as property (MC)
* getting data from evaluate objects improved (MC, LH)
* local density calculation now possible for particles of different size (LH)
* Lukas Hecht (LH)
* Kay-Robert Dormann (KD)
* Kai Luca Spanheimer (KS)
* Aritra Mukhopadhyay (AM)
* Suvendu Mandal (SM)
* Malte Coordts (MC)
* Mahdieh Ebrahimi (ME)
* Lukas Walter (LW)