- renamed output directories to match rule names:
+ `analysis/bam` -> `analysis/bams`
+ `analysis/bam/coverage` -> `analysis/bams/coverages`
+ `analysis/pileup` -> `analysis/pileups`
+ `analysis/pileup` -> `analysis/pileups`
+ `analysis/pileup_snps` -> `analysis/pileups_snps`
+ `analysis/umi_dedup` -> `analysis/bams_umi_dedup`
- added `general: umi_min_consensus_percentage` setting to specify the minimum fraction of reads in a UMI group that have to agree on the consensus
- add separate `pileups_snps` rule to only run SNP pileups
- improved check for missing paths
- fixed crash if config file was present but empty
- removed excessive logging in `stats_alignment` and `attach_tags_from_unmapped`
- improved documentation of config file