- update to Databases: UNITE v7.1, LSU (based on RDP data), 16S (based on RDP gold), COI (based on BOLD database of arthropods and chordates).
- databases are installed now with `ufits install -i ITS LSU 16S COI`
- Robert Edgar now says that chimera reference filtering should use largest database (as opposed to UCHIME paper that says a small curated database is better), thus chimera reference filtering is now configured to do exactly that, options during clustering are: `ufits cluster --uchime_ref [ITS,16S,LSU,COI, custom_path]`
- `ufits cluster_ref` has been updated with the above database information - note this script is still experimental and I would not recommended using it for any environmental data at this point - there may be some targeted usage where it is appropriate
- re-write of `ufits taxonomy` to coincide with updates to databases, now you can pass one of the pre-installed databases to the `-d, --db` flag or you can specify manually a database using `--fasta_db, --usearch_db, and/or --utax_db`