* Major update is to use edlib library for alignment, this is a dramatic increase in speed, however downside is that degenerate nucleotides are not supported in edlib currently (hoping to get this fixed soon). You can increase `--primer_mismatch` to allow for degenerate matches, keep in mind that currently any degenerate nucleotide will be counted as a mismatch. v0.9.3 still supports degenerate nucleotides, although the alignment is much less accurate and is 10X slower.
* edlib alignment now supports barcode_mismatches as well without a loss in speed.
* update to MergePE function, which allows user to select either vsearch or search for merging paired end fastq files, controlled via `--merge_method`. Update to phiX filtering to split files if >3GB to avoid memory problem in USEARCH 32 bit.
* add `amptk illumina3` method for pre-processing, this will demultiplex Illumina PE files along with index read files
* support for gzipped input files, as well as now default will output fq.gz demuxed files. Save space during processing.
* updated docker container and install instructions