
Latest version: v1.13.1

Safety actively analyzes 707268 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Permission problems removing log files no longer causes a error message, but is silently ignored.
Hence, it doesn't cause a simulation to appear as failed to external tools.


* Added a "LoadData" macro command can generate the macro for loading h5 files.
* Allow the "AnyBodyCon" executable on path to have any valid windows executable extension (exe, bat, cmd etc.).
This will allow users to use custom shim of the AnyBodyCon executables to point else where.


* Fixed type annotation which broke compability with older versions of Python.


* Fixed a crash when stopping simulations with ctrl-c. It should now shutdown more gracefully.
* Fixed a bug making it was hard to stop simulations which were not running in parrallel. Now
simulations are always started on separate threads, which makes it possible to stop them with ctrl-c.

* Added a some python annotations to the code base, which should provide better type hints in IDEs.



* Added a way of controlling AnyBodyCon processes, which forces the process to
automatically end wwhen the Python process ends. This prevents the need to
manually close the AnyBodyCon processes if the parent process was force killed.



* Speed up importing by avoiding importing scipy until it is needed.

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