- Add an option to add pytest markers to in the AnyScript test files. This is done by setting `pytest_markers=["slow"]` in in the header. It is the same as decorating Python tests with `pytest.mark.slow`.
- Add an option to the pytest plugin to set the `debug_mode` for the console application.
- Pytest plugin can now handle new error messages from the upcoming AnyBody Modeling System 7.2. - Deprecation warnings from using abstract base classes in the Python collection module.
- Fix bug in pytest plugin when pytest-xdist is installed.
- Added an `logfile` argument to the `app.start_macro()` function. This allow for setting an explicit name for a log file. If `start_macro()` runs muliple instances the logfile will have the task number appended. - Added `debug_mode` option to the `AnyPyProcess` class. This will the debug mode of the console application (e.g. the `/deb ` flag).
- Fixed a problem with pytest plugin when the pytest-xdist plugin is missing.
- Source code now formatted with [black](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) formatter.
- Added a feature to the pytest plugin to save HDF5 files when running AnyScript tests. The purpose of this feature is to easily generated data for comparing the simulation of two different models or the same model with a different version of AMS.
- Support for legacy Python (2) was dropped. This also removes the dependency on the `future` package.
- Fixed a regression when accessing the output of the `start_macro` command (`AnyPyProcessOutputList`) for aggregated results across multiple macros.