
Latest version: v10.2.1

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.Additions and changes
- Reverted to use of `strong`, `em`, `tt` XHTML tags -- they're more
obvious and no less correct than `span` tags, besides, the generated
file sizes are smaller (the 'User Guide' was 11% smaller).
- Table title rendered with `caption` tag rather than a separate
- The AsciiDoc 'stylesdir' attribute (if specified) is now recognized
when searching for embedded stylesheets (previously only searched
default `./stylesheets` directory).
- Default charset encoding changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 -- it's
less language specific and displays most common languages.
- `template::[]` macros now expand in all configuration file sections
previously only in markup template sections.
- Cleaned up example website layout CSS and configuration
(presentation has not been changed).
- Refactored `xhtml11.conf` configuration file.
- Set consistent and sensible permissions on distributed files.
- White space is now stripped from DSV formatted table cell data.
- `class="tableblock"` attribute added to tables generated by
`xhtml-deprecated-css.conf` to assist CSS.

.Bug fixes
- Illegal character set encoder (specified by the AsciiDoc `encoding`
attribute) and character data are trapped gracefully.
- AsciiDoc table 'format' attribute in table attribute lists were not
- The nested horizontal labeled list example in the 'AsciiDoc User
Guide' has been dropped -- it generated invalid DocBook markup.


This is a major release with many code and
documentation changes.
Please report any problems you encounter.['Stuart Rackham']

.Additions and changes
- A new 'xhtml11' backend generates XHTML 1.1 with integrated CSS2
replacing the previous 'xhtml', 'css', and 'css-embedded' backends.
- The CSS stylesheets have finally been rewritten.
- The asciidoc(1) command help now includes user
link:userguide.htmlX36[customizable help] topics. When asciidoc is
invoked with the `--help` option the command argument is
interpreted as a help topic.
- The previous example website has been replaced by the actual
AsciiDoc website (see `./examples/website/`.
- XHTML generation options now controlled by the following attributes:
'badges', 'linkcss', 'icons', 'numbered', 'quirks', 'theme',
'stylesdir', 'imagesdir' (see the link:userguide.htmlX33[User
Guide] for details.
- By default HTML and XHTML are output as stand-alone documents (no
embedded CSS and no linked admonition icon images).
- Documents encoded with the UTF-8 Unicode character set are now
processed thanks to a patch supplied by[Viktor Vasilev].
- The `-a ^name` command-line syntax to undefine an attribute has been
deprecated in favor of the `-a name!` syntax.
- AttributeEntry syntax addition: `:name!:` to undefine `name` attribute.
- Added `template` system block macro to allow the inclusion of one
configuration file template section within another.
- A 'verse' style attribute can now be applied to literal paragraphs
and blocks to reproduce line breaks and white space from the source
- Replacements and Special Words can now be escaped with leading
- Replacements are now processed in configuration file order (previous
ordering was indeterminate).
- System macros can now be used in the base `asciidoc.conf`
configuration file.
- Deprecated features that emitted warnings in prior versions are no
longer tolerated.
- The `eval` system attribute expression evaluates to `False` the
attribute is undefined, if it evaluates to `True` the result is an
empty string.
- The Paragraph and DelimitedBlock 'presubs' parameter can be aliased
as 'subs'.
- Added 'verbatim' substitutions option.
- Renamed 'List Continuation Block' to 'List Block' and renamed the
'listcontinuation' option to 'list'.
- Deprecated 'default' substitutions option (use 'normal' instead).
- The 'section-numbers' section numbering attribute has be renamed
- Dropped the '\UNDER CONSTRUCTION' block macro.
- Rewrote Paragraph and DelimitedBlock handlers adding a
link:userguide.htmlX23[styles] configuration entry.

.Bug fixes
- Included files are no longer read inside conditionally excluded
- Manpage command names containing dashes (in the manpage NAME
section) were misinterpreted as the spaced dash command name/purpose
separator. Bug report and patch supplied by[David Greaves].
- Unexpected error following malformed author line error.


.Additions and changes
- Special characters are now substituted in AttributeEntry element
- Spaced and unspaced em dashes are now recognized (previously only
spaced em dashes were recognized).
- Replaced the table 'noborders' option with richer 'frame' and 'grid'
- The `duplicate macro` warning message now only occurs when the
verbose (`-v`) option is enabled.
- Single lines starting with two forward slashes hard up against the
left margin are treated as comments and are not processed.
- Renamed 'section' delimited block option to 'sectionbody' to more
accurately reflect it's role.
- Added a List Continuation block -- a specialized delimited block
that is functionally equivalent to the List Item Continuation
feature except that the list contained within the block does not
require explicit '+' list item continuation lines.
- Dropped deprecated `<u>` tags from generated HTML.
- Literal Block delimiters must now consist of at least four points
(previously three) to avoid lone ellipsis ambiguity.

.Bug fixes
- Some system attribute evaluation failures caused unexpected
exceptions to occur.


.Additions and changes
- Three new 'system' block macros have been added -- `eval`, `sys` and
`sys2` which are the block macro equivalents to the same named
system attributes.
- 'Intrinsic' macros have been renamed 'system' macros along with
'action' attributes which have been renamed 'system' attributes:
* To reflect their common (though contextually different) behavior.
* To avoid confusion with 'intrinsic attributes'.

.Bug fixes
- Asciidoc now searches in `/etc/asciidoc/filters` for filters.


.Additions and changes
- A global configuration file location `/etc/asciidoc` has been added
and is now processed before all other locations (patch supplied by[Fredrik Steen]).
- Recoded `tempfile.mktemp()` and other artifacts that are no longer
necessary or desirable (patches supplied by[Fredrik Steen]).
- Added BUGS file to the distribution.

.Bug fixes
- Illegal comment syntax in `css-embedded-stylesheet.conf` resulted in
illegal CSS in files generated by the `css-embedded` backend.


This release has had some fairly major code and
documentation changes. Please report any problems
you encounter.['Stuart Rackham']

A lot of new stuff. A new major version number -- some regression
incompatibility (hopefully mitigated by 'deprecated' warnings).

Went mad trying to rein in the current feature anarchy -- established
a unified notion of document attributes. Attempted to introduce a
consistent vocabulary -- renamed many poorly or inconsistently named

Actually, deprecated syntax is still processed correctly in almost all
cases. One source of incompatibility that may arise if you have
customized CSS stylesheets is the change of AsciiDoc CSS class names
(see below). I guess the moral is if you've done a lot of
configuration file customization and are happy with version 5 then you
may want to stay put.

NOTE: This version requires Python 2.3 or better to run.

.Additions and changes
- 'Glossary entries' have been renamed 'attributes'. This eliminates
confusion with the accepted meaning of glossary.
- An `AttributeEntry` block element has been added so that document
attributes can be assigned from within an AsciiDoc document.
- The `AttributeList` block element has been added which is a more
general solution than the (now deprecated) DelimitedBlock arguments.
- An BlockId element has been added for setting block element anchor
(link target) IDs.
- Quoted text can now span multiple lines (thanks to James Bowlin for
this patch).
- Inline macros can now span multiple lines.
- \``double backtick / apostrophe'' quotes generate ``curly quotes''.
- A warning is now emitted for out of order list item (applies to
explicitly enumerated numbered list items).
- Added `include` action attribute.
- A line of three or more apostrophes generates an HTML horizontal
ruler (`<hr/>` tag). You will get a warning if processed with
non-HTML backend.
- An `{imagesdir}` attribute specifies image file location for images
referenced in configuration files when generating HTML (the default
location is `images`).
- An `{stylesdir}` attribute specifies the location of CSS
stylesheets when generating styled HTML (the default location for
configured markup is `.`).
- The use of the (often inappropriately named) `{caption}` attribute
list entry has been deprecated, use `{0}` instead.
- New 'ExampleBlock' delimited block along with associated variants
Note, Tip, Warning, Caution and Important.
- The `docbook.conf` file now facilitates the optional inclusion of a
DocBook revision history file.
- To better reflect their purpose the following block elements have
been renamed: `VerbatimBlock` to `ListingBlock`; `IndentedBlock` to
`LiteralBlock`; `IndentedParagraph` to `LiteralParagraph`;
`CustomBlock` to `BackendBlock`; `SimpleSection` to `SectionBody`.
Any corresponding CSS class names have also been changed which could
result in backward incompatibility in customized stylesheets.
- Swapped plain DocBook admonition icons for Jimmac's DocBook icons
( The original plain icons
have been moved to `./images/plain`.
- Renamed `html` backend to `xhtml` to better reflect it's function
(former `html-4` backend renamed to `html`).
- A new inline anchor macro syntax `[[[<id>]]]` is available, it
displays `[<id>]` at the anchor location and is for anchoring
bibliography list entries.
- An optional 'single-line titles' syntax can be used.
- Tweaks to distributed CSS stylesheets and FOP `fo.xsl` customization
- 'List Item Continuation' has been implemented which allows
additional block elements to be included in list items by separating
them from the preceding list item element with a line containing a
single plus character.
- A new 'Horizontal Labeled List' list type has been added. Generates
two column list -- the first column contains the list element
labels, the second contains the element text. Same syntax as
`Vertical Labeled Lists` except the double colon label suffix is
followed by the start of the list item text.

.Bug fixes
- Fixed broken backslash line continuation.
- Labeled list end tags were not undergoing attribute substitution.
- Documents without any author information now generate legitimate
DocBook (previously if the author line was not included in the
document header then an empty (illegal) DocBook `author` element was
- Multiple spaces in filter command arguments were replaced by a
single space. The `./examples/asciidoc2text/` script
now indents text correctly.

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