.Additions and changes
- Cached compiled regular expression delimiters (speed up 'User
Manual' compilation by 250%).
- Created distinct list definitions for each numbered list style to
allow nesting of all styles.
- Roman numbers in numbered lists are followed by a closing
parenthesis instead of a period to eliminate 'i', 'v', 'x' item
ambiguity with respect to alpha numbered list items.
- Added `**`, `***`, `****`, `*****`
bulleted lists.
- Added `...`, `....`, `.....` implicit numbered
- Added `:::`, `::::` labeled lists.
- Updated User Guide for new list syntaxes.
- Optimized paragraph and list termination detection with separate
precompiled regular expressions for performance and to prevent
reaching Python 100 named group limit.
- Updated Vim syntax highlighter for new list syntaxes.
- Allow `template::[]` macros in conf file entries sections (not just
in template sections).
- Dropped unused `[listdef-numbered2]` conf file sections.
- Renamed 'ListBlock' to more appropriate 'OpenBlock'.
- Implemented single-line versions of `ifdef::[]` and `ifndef::[]`
- 'html4' backend styling:
* Underlined admonition captions.
* Added side border to Example Blocks.
- 'xhtml11' backend styling:
* Dropped right hand margin from all but quote and verse blocks.
* html4 backend: corrected over-sized width of caption in admonition
.Bug fixes
- Fixed broken numbered list nesting.
Compatibility issues
The roman numbered list parenthesis syntax is incompatible with the
potentially ambiguous roman period syntax introduced in 8.3.2.