- Add quick tour for new users (318) - Add dockerfiles for LAB and simulate interfaces (278) - Add feature extraction & query strategy options (317) - Add keyboard shortcut while reviewing (325) - Add line chart to statistics panel on project page (314) - Add an option to mark the review process as finished (321)
- Clean command line interface of ASReview LAB (336) - Add `label_abstract_screening` column name to abstract inclusions (323) - Change the default query strategy from 'max_random' to 'max' (316)
- Show a warning instead of failing on bad RIS labels (337)
- Annotate code on analysis class (319) - Update documentation on simulation studies (315) - Add gifs on performance at user testing page (331) - Add txt to import options for RIS (333) - Remove duplicate section in Quicktour
- Fix setting project folder with environment variable.
- Fix broken model selection: model selection was overwritten by command line value (default `nb`) (329) - Fix broken dataset edit button (javascript error) (330)
- Project page with all information and settings. - Improved UX for creating or importing a new project - Pre-review steps are now cards with closed and edit mode. The closed cards provide you information on the actions performed. - Use a partly labeled datasets as input for your review. You can skip the prior data selection. - Brand new graph with overview of the progress over time. - Continue finishing the project setup after breaking of the setup. - Improved left menu. - Version number displayed in the frontend (menu). - Minor bugfix in the avg_time_to_discovery statistic.
Please see 312 for more information.
See the updated [Quick Tour](https://asreview.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quicktour.html) for screenshots.
- Implement undo feature (pops up for a few second after a decision was made) (292) - Save dark mode, and text size preferences in localStorage (298) - Minor html/css fixes to export dialog and review zone (307) - Extend documentation on compatibility of third-party Systematic Review software (304) - Minor fixes to documentation in README (306)
- Option to import and export a project - Improved card style for Project page - Donate buttons in the software (279)
Bug Fixes
- Fix for the incorrect position of floating button - Fix issue where ASReview needs both title and abstract (281) - Fix bug with simulating the same file twice (289) - Fix project-delete check failure in Safari (299)
- Documentation on conducting a simulation study (286) - Documentation of simulation study results (284) - Add tables with supported export formats/software for datasets (280) - Improve installation tutorial and add links to new step-by-step tutorials (303)