
Latest version: v1.6.3

Safety actively analyzes 663882 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Display DOI if available in the file
- Adding a search result to the prior inclusions is now more intuitive (the entire record is clickable instead of the heart button only).
- Fix percentage in Analysis class



- Read versioned datasets from a single dictionary (performance in step 2)
- Option to seed models
- Fix bug in computation of WSS and TDD
- Improve documentation



- Add option to seed prior papers in the simulation mode
- Fix problem with Zenodo integration/DOI



- Implement an informative screen after the pool is empty (i.e. review is complete).



- UI improvement/fix for the welcome screen.



- Model selection in the user interface
- Informative errors when uploading a file from a URL
- Use the system path of the Python executable to prevent the application from hanging when the executable doesn't have alias 'python'.
- Error message when training of the first model fails
- Adjust text size in the review screen
- Statistics panel is always open on start or opening of a project
- Transitions in the review screen are removed
- Continue labeling with a partly labeled dataset
- Improved handling of internal async processes
- Improve datasets API and better integration with `asreview-covid19` plugin.
- Improved labels for forms
- Improved documentation and updated screenshots
- Minor UI improvements
- Various internal improvements

Additional note
A partly labeled dataset can be loaded into the application (a dataset with column 'included' partly filled with 1's or 0's). For example, the export of an ASReview review. However, at the moment it is not possible to skip step 3 and 4 when creating a new project. Therefore, you have to search for new articles to include. We are working on an ASReview version in which you can skip these steps when labels are present.

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