- Added `“lazy
parallelization” <https://github.com/asteca/asteca/commit/b536c84c2ad085bbe8ff10a0b6535618ae1ba09a>`__
ability. Now the user can run as many instances of the code as needed
simply by creating extra ``asteca_xx.py`` and ``input_xx`` folders
where ``xx`` are integers of the form: 01, 02,…, 99.
- `Reposition <https://github.com/asteca/asteca/commit/e7dec4b75a62ff397ee62cb322345f6b17b74ff6>`__
several text boxes in output images, newer versions of ``matplotlib``
moved them from the previous position.
- Fix `bad
import <https://github.com/asteca/asteca/commit/9bed2166e9cc36faa7077c79c436c50e40801820>`__
of ``rpy2`` package, positioned incorrectly in two functions.
- Fix ``DeprecationWarning`` showing when ``exp_function`` was used
(`169 <https://github.com/asteca/asteca/issues/169>`__).
- Same as version
`0.1.2 <https://github.com/asteca/asteca/releases/tag/v0.1.2>`__.