
Latest version: v0.5.9

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(**Warning**: this release breaks compatibility with the previous
version of the ``params_input.dat`` & ``semi_input.dat`` files)

- Models (ie: isochrone + extinction +distance modulus + mass
distribution + binarity) are now evaluated *each time the GA selects
them as a solution*, thus a new mass distribution is generated
(`186 <>`__). This has a
performance cost, but provides higher accuracy in the best model
assignment process since a single model can now be evaluated with a
slightly different mass distribution several times (only with GA,
*Brute Force* method will only process a model once).
- Added an *exit switch* to the decontamination algorithm. It will stop
iterations if the MPs converged to 0.1% tolerance values for all the
stars in the cluster region (compared to the previous iteration).
This speeds up the function considerably
(`185 <>`__).
- The upper mass value in the IMF can now be `modified via the input
file <>`__.
- Code can now read ``params_input_XX.dat`` files when `using lazy
parallelization <>`__.
- Number of field regions `can now be set
individually <>`__
via the ``semi_input.dat`` file.
- `Added ‘bb’ binning
method <>`__
based on `Bonnato & Bica
(2007) <>`__. Sets
bin widths of 0.25 and 0.5 for colors and magnitudes respectively.
- Fixed bug in ``manual`` mode when `displaying
errors <>`__.
- Fixed bug when narrow frames were plotted
(`168 <>`__).
- Moved text box outside of synthetic cluster’s plot to improve its
visibility (`205 <>`__).
- Closed `13 <>`__. Saha’s W
likelihood needs the number of model points to be fixed, which
prevents it from being used when the mass varies. There’s nothing to
be gained by adding this function.
- Caveat dragged from version



(**Warning**: this release breaks compatibility with the previous
version of the ``params_input.dat`` file)

- Added ``local`` and ``mp_05`` methods to the selection of which stars
to use in the best fit cluster parameter assignation process
(`180 <>`__,
`183 <>`__).
- Added an *automatic update checker* function that notifies the user
if an updated version of ``ASteCA`` is available for download
(`179 <>`__).
- Added grid lines over the photometric diagrams of the observed and
synthetic cluster, showing the binning made by the method selected in
each case (`131 <>`__).
- Best fit synthetic cluster found is now saved to file
(`154 <>`__).
- Correctly obtain approximate number of members (``n_memb``) and
contamination index (``CI``) when the cluster radius extends beyond
the RDP, thus making the field star density value (``field_dens``)
unreliable (`111 <>`__).
- Added ``f10`` flag to alert when the ``memb_par`` value is greater
than +-0.33, which means that there are twice as many estimated true
members in either method
(`175 <>`__).
- Improved ``top_tiers`` plotting and saved file
(`184 <>`__).


- Same as version
`0.1.2 <>`__.



(**Warning**: this release breaks compatibility with the previous
version of the ``params_input.dat`` file)

- Re-write ``lowexp`` `error rejection
method <>`__,
now uses *prediction bands* instead of *confidence intervals*.
- Force ``matplotlib``\ ’s backend to make the code `work in
servers <>`__.
- Fixed ``eyefit`` method for `error
rejection <>`__.
It changed after fixing
`169 <>`__.
- Added `SDSS
CMDs <>`__
``g vs (u-g)`` & ``g vs (g-r)``, at the request of Tjibaria Pijloo
(Department of Astrophysics, Radboud University Nijmegen).
- Fixed bug in binarity generation for the CMDs of the form
``X vs (X-Y)``
(`181 <>`__).
- Smarter selection of stars to be used by the best fit function,
improvements in several plots
(`171 <>`__,
`172 <>`__).
- Best fit function can now accept a *minimum magnitude* value instead
of just a *minimum probability* value
(`115 <>`__).
- Added a ``memb_par`` parameter to compare the number of approximate
cluster members obtained via the structural analysis and via the
decontamination algorithm
(`162 <>`__).
- Code is now able to correctly read the names of files with `more than
one dot in it’s
name <>`__.
- Fixed bad `alphabetical
ordering <>`__
of input cluster files.
- Better limits for photometric diagram
(`173 <>`__).
- Fixed ``DeprecationWarning``
`issue <>`__.
- Invert x axis when `RA cords are
used <>`__
`here <>`__).
- Several fixes and improvements made to plotted diagrams
(`5c7dc7f <>`__;
`1642349 <>`__;
`b57028c <>`__;
`240178a <>`__;
`9ec0ab8 <>`__;
`fef14c4 <>`__;
`db0df2a <>`__;
`575ebe7 <>`__;
`177 <>`__;
`178 <>`__).


- Same as version
`0.1.2 <>`__.



(**Warning**: this release breaks compatibility with the previous
version of the ``params_input.dat`` file)

- Improved radius assignment algorithm
(`146 <>`__).
- Detect cropped cluster region and use correct area when generating
field regions
(`139 <>`__,
`157 <>`__).
- Fixed bug that crashed the code when top tiers synthetic clusters
with no stars were plotted
(`147 <>`__). Added
minimum total mass of 10Mo.
- Fixed bug where KDE p-values for field vs field comparison were
artificially increased by comparing a field region with itself
(`138 <>`__).
- Obtain KDE p-value even if one field region is defined
(`114 <>`__).
- Fixed small bug that prevented integrated magnitude curves from being
plotted (`145 <>`__).
- Fixed several smaller bugs and issues
(`110 <>`__,
`150 <>`__,
`140 <>`__,
`142 <>`__,
`141 <>`__,
`149 <>`__,
`95 <>`__,
`148 <>`__,
`136 <>`__,
`163 <>`__,
`143 <>`__).


- Same as version
`0.1.2 <>`__.



- Improved plotting of crowded fields
(`62 <>`__).
- Function to generate image is now more stable
(`112 <>`__). Re-arranged
plots in output image.
- Add *Top tiers* models output
(`130 <>`__).
- Fixed small bug in KDE p-values function
(`134 <>`__).
- Minor re-arrangement with semi-input data.


- Same as version
`0.1.2 <>`__.



- Accept arrays of non-equispaced parameter values instead of only
equispaced ranges
(`121 <>`__).
- Added support for log-normal `Chabrier
(2001) <>`__ IMF.
- More precise encoding/decoding in genetic algorithm.
- Functions separated into sections
(`125 <>`__).
- Input parameters set as global variables
(`132 <>`__).


- Same as version
`0.1.2 <>`__.

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