
Latest version: v0.5.3

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- checkplot: add check for overwritten pkl when converting to png
- checkplot: added kwarg for findercachedir to checkplot fns
- checkplot: added verbose kwarg
- checkplot: add in extra BLS info if available
- checkplot: add in markeredgewidth for older matplotlibs
- checkplot: astroquery_skyview_stamp -> internal_skyview_stamp
- checkplot: calculate varfeatures, add other keys required by cpserver tools
- checkplot.checkplot_pickle: can now overplot external LC fit fn
- checkplot: direct return mode for _pkl_phased_magseries_plot
- checkplot: docstring fixes
- checkplot: handle case of no explicitly provided lspmethod
- checkplotlist: added chunked output if too many checkplots
- checkplotlist: add optional prefixes to output JSON filelists
- checkplotlist: auto-add output JSON prefix if sortby is provided
- checkplotlist: better messaging if more than 1 output JSON
- checkplotlist: can now index into arrays when sorting on cpd properties
- checkplotlist: can now specify sortkey/sortorder when making the pkl list
- checkplotlist: faster custom sorting with mp.Pool
- checkplotlist: fix docstring
- checkplotlist: guard against missing sortkey items
- checkplotlist: remove non-finite vals from filters
- checkplotlist: use argparse instead of hacked together cmdline parsing
- checkplot: make varfeatures optional
- checkplot, plotbase: astroquery_skyview_stamp -> skyview_stamp
- checkplot: pyplot.scatter -> pyplot.plot for speed, also use rasterized=True
- checkplot: return lcfit per phased LC, not just the last one
- checkplot: slightly smaller marker size for binned mag series
- checkplot: turn off bestperiodhighlight by default
- checkplot.twolsp_checkplot_png: don't break if bestperiodhighlight is None
- cplist: added filtering options for checkplotserver input JSON
- cplist: fix incorrect filtering because we didn't take sort order into account
- cpserver: add check for checkplot-filelist-00.json as default
- cpserver: added sortorder/sortkey UI elem in sidebar list
- cpserver/cplist: add support for filtered list JSONs
- cpserver: enable gzip
- cpserver.js: fix case where observing stations aren't strings
- cpserver: slightly better display of sortkey/sortorder
- cpserver: turn off cplist sorting since checkplotlist handles it
- cpserver UI: add a filter control to the reviewed checkplot sidebar list
- cpserver UI: disable bokeh; will use server-side plotting for now
- hplc: added HPX binned LC reader functions
- hplc: added parallel LC concatenator
- hplc: added pklc_fovcatalog_objectinfo to fill in objectinfo
- hplc: fix station names
- hplc: use gzipped fovcatalogs if available
- imageutils: added frame_radecbox_to_jpeg function
- imageutils: handle weird input better
- imageutils: various fixes
- kbls: add alternate SNR calculation
- kbls: add support for max number of frequencies to search
- kbls: don't crash if spline fit to find a minimum fails
- lcfit: fourier_fit_magseries now accepts fourierorder as a scalar
- lcfit: initfourierparams -> fourierparams
- lcfit.spline_fit...: maxknots reduced to 30 for better min-finding
- lcmath.time_bin_magseries_with_errs: return jdbins as array
- lcproc: add a LC binning function
- lcproc: added maxobjects to be processed per driver invocation
- lcproc: added pf driver for all LC formats
- lcproc: adding makelclist
- lcproc: adding support for multiple lc types
- lcproc: add overrideable time, mag, err cols for all function drivers
- lcproc: add parallel LC binning functions
- lcproc: add register func for custom LC format
- lcproc: also get objects above stetson threshold across all magcols
- lcproc: bugfixes
- lcproc/checkplot: add in BLS snr if available
- lcproc: dereference columns for different lctypes correctly
- lcproc: fix bug where bls result was replaced instead of updated
- lcproc: more bug fixes
- lcproc: more fixes
- lcproc: use last deferenced mcol val to correctly process astrokep lcs
- plotbase: added internal_skyview_stamp fn to remove astroquery dep
- plotbase: plot the binned plot over the unbinned one
- plotbase.skyview_stamp: add provenance, use sha256 instead of md5
- signals: fix mask_signal
- signals: more fixes
- signals: return a BytesIO/StringIO object as fitplotfile if provided
- signals: whiten_magseries now accepts fourierorder as a scalar
- varbase.lcfit: added verbose kwarg
- varbase.signals: fix gls_prewhiten
- varbase.signals: fix various horrendous problems in prewhiten_magseries

Work that may be in progress

- [WIP] added to drive large HAT LC processing jobs
- [WIP] cpserver: added some TODOs
- [WIP] cpserver, checkplot: some plot fixes
- [WIP] cpserver: continuing work
- [WIP] cpserver: finishing up backend work, to be tested
- [WIP] cpserver: fix async err handling, some lctools now working
- [WIP] cpserver: fixed various lctool bugs after testing
- [WIP] cpserver: fix parsing of argument types
- [WIP] cpserver: fix saving to tempfpath, fix circular ref in var-varfeatures
- [WIP] cpserver: implemented lctools: phasedlc-newplot, var-varfeatures
- [WIP] cpserver.js: added skeleton for cptools
- [WIP] cpserver lctools: added a reset function and a lcfit subtract function
- [WIP] cpserver: more fixes
- [WIP] cpserver: more work on UI
- [WIP] cpserver: screenshot updated with near-final UI for v0.2
- [WIP] cpserver: some notes for stuff
- [WIP] cpserver: still WIP
- [WIP] cpserver: still working on LC tools backend
- [WIP] cpserver UI: added period-search, variability-tools, lcfit tabs
- [WIP] cpserver UI: added some phased LC plot options
- [WIP] cpserver UI: adding controls to JS, working on periodsearch
- [WIP] cpserver UI: phasedlc-newplot, var-varfeatures, work queues
- [WIP] cpserver UI: still working on JS for lctools
- [WIP] cpserver UI: various CSS fixes
- [WIP] cpserver: various fixes to JSON decoding and checkplot loading
- [WIP] cpserver: various fixes to UI
- [WIP] cpserver: various UI fixes
- [WIP] cpserver: working on hooking up signal and fitting functions
- [WIP] cpserver: working on LC tools handlers
- [WIP] cpserver: write tool results to temp pkl, keep orig pkl load fast
- [WIP] lcfit: add a simple trapezoid function for eclipses



- checkplot.checkplot_pickle_to_png: fix breakage if pickle has no objectinfo



- astrokep: add onormalize kwarg to read and consolidate MASTLC fns
- astrokep: add recursive kwarg for glob
- astrokep.consolidate_kepler_fitslc: use recursive glob for speed if Py>3.5
- astrokep: docstring fixes
- astrokep: trying fnmatch
- astrokep: trying recursive glob
- astrokep: use fnmatch instead of glob
- checkplotlist: appending bugs fixed
- checkplotlist: append to an existing list JSON if it exists
- checkplot: make sure it still works with matplotlib < v2.0.0
- checkplot: try hard to get an objectid out of the input kwargs
- hatlc: added normalization fns to docstring, more fixes for sqlitecurve compression
- hatlc: added OS independent sqlite.gz read/write
- hatlc: first crack at normalizing by instrument properties
- hatlc: keep the input sqlitecurves until done with (de)compression
- hatlc: make less talkative
- hatlc: normalize_lcdict_byinst function sort of working
- hatlc.normalize_lcdict_byinst: more fixes
- hatlc.normalize_lcdict_instruments: fixing bugs
- hatlc: warning if gzip < 1.6
- hatpilc: add column defs to lcdict
- hatpilc: added concatenation and pickle writing
- hatpilc: added concat rollup fn
- hatpilc: add recursive kwarg for glob
- hatpilc: bug fixing
- hatpilc.concatenate...: use recursive glob on Py3.5+ for speed
- hatpilc: improved a bit
- hatpilc: make a bit more organized
- hatpilc: reorganization
- hatpilc: use empty ndarrays if no dets
- hplc: added normalization across light curves
- hplc: added pklc reader, breaking out framekeys to elems
- hplc: addeed non-recursive LC search mode
- hplc: concatenation: fix lc index
- hplc: concatenation: fix recursive search to include only specific postfixed files
- hplc: fix docstrings
- hplc: fixing normalization
- hplc: fixing pklc output
- hplc: more fixes for non-recursive LC search
- hplc: return a normalized LC even if there's only one to return
- hplc: sort concatenated light curves by time
- __init__: add a __version__
- varbase.features: added a roll-up function



- astrokep: making read_kepler_fitslc work with K2 LCs
- astrokep: more fixes for K2 LC reading
- kbls.bls_snr: add check for rare case when minepoch is an array
- added and expanded some descriptions
- some more fixes
- require astropy>=1.3 and numpy>=1.4



- astrokep: added appendto mode to read_kepler_fitslc
- astrokep: better naming scheme for output pickles
- astrokep.filter_kepler_lcdict: fix timestoignore for new lcdict format
- astrokep: fixing appendto mode
- astrokep: fixing consolidate_kepler_fitslc
- astrokep: implemented consolidate_kepler_fitslc, will test soon
- astrokep: make sklearn dependency optional
- astrokep: pickle export now uses HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, docstring fixes
- astrokep: stitch_lightcurve -> stitch_kepler_lcdict (TBD)



- checkplot: added minbinelems kwarg
- varbase/features: implemented CDPP as in Gilliland+ 2011

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