New Tools and Services
- New module to access the ESA Herschel mission. [2122]
- New class, ``Most``, to access the Moving Object Search Tool (MOST) is
added. [2660]
- ``mocserver`` is the new name of the ``cds`` module allowing access to the
CDS MOC server [2766]
- New module to access the NEODyS web interface. [2618]
- New module to access the Planetary Data System's Ring Node System. [2358]
Service fixes and enhancements
- Removal of the non-functional ``get_spectrym`` method as that service has
disappeared. [2578]
- Fixed a regression to handle arrays of string input for the ``query``
methods. [2457]
- Throws an error when an unsupported ``kwargs`` (or argument) is passed in
to a function. [2475]
- New DataLink API handling. [2493]
- Fixed bug in which blank URLs were being sent to the downloader. [2490]
- Removed deprecated broken functions from ``alma.utils``. [2331]
- Fixed a bug in slicing of ALMA regions. [2810]
- Added support for ALMA OIDC (OpenID Connect) auth service, Keycloak. [2712]
- Fixed bug to use the timeout set in the configuration. [2535]
- Added a ``verbose=`` keyword argument to ``AstrometryNet`` to control
whether or not to show any information during solving. [2484]
- Fixed a bug which caused ``solve_timeout`` to not be respected when an image
was solved by constructing a source list internally before sending data to
astrometry.net. [2484]
- Avoid duplicated warnings about API key and raise an error only when API key
is needed but not set. [2483]
- Added ``return_submission_id`` keyword argument to
``monitor_submission()``. [2685]
- Fixed off-by-one error in the reference pixel of the WCS solution when the
solution is found using sources detected by photutils. After this fix the
solution from astrometry.net will be the same when the input is an image
regardless of whether the image is uploaded or sources are detected
locally. [2752]
- Fixed infitine caching loop. [2339]
- Change URL and improve error handling. [2769]
- Deprecated keywords and ``run_query`` method have been removed. [2389]
- Added the ability to pass longer that filename Path objects as
``output_file``. [2541]
- Add the ability to produce 2D and 3D cutouts from ASKAP images and cubes.
- Use the standard ``login`` method for authenticating, which supports the
system keyring. [2386]
- The ``cds`` module has been renamed ``mocserver`` and issues a deprecation
warning when imported. [2766]
- Refactored ``query_criteria`` to make the query a lot faster. [2524]
- Method ``query_hst_tap`` has been renamed ``query_tap``. [2597]
- Product types in ``download_product`` have been modified to:
- Added ``proposal`` keyword argument to several methods now allows to
filter by Proposal ID. [2797]
- Update to TAP url to query data and download files, aligned with the new
eHST Science Archive. [2567, 2597]
- Status and maintenance messages from eHST TAP when the module is
instantiated. Use ``get_status_messages`` to retrieve them. [2597]
- New methods to download single files ``download_file`` and download FITS
associated to an observation ``download_fits_files``. [2797]
- New function to retrieve all the files associated to an observation
``get_associated_files``. [2797]
- New methods to retrieve metadata (``get_observations_from_program``) and
files (``download_files_from_program``) associated to a proposal. [2910]
- Fixes in ``login`` and ``set_token`` methods. [2807]
- New version of RMF matrices (v21). [2910, 2932]
- Authenticate with ESO using APIs and tokens instead of HTML forms. [2681]
- Discontinue usage of old Request Handler for dataset retrieval in favor of
new dataportal API. [2681]
- Local reimplementation of astroquery's ``_download_file`` to fix some issues
and avoid sending a HEAD request just to get the original filename. [1580]
- Restore support for .Z files. [1818]
- The module has been deprecated due to the retirement of its upstream
website. The database hasn't been updated since 2018, users are encouraged
to use the ``ipac.nexsci.nasa_exoplanet_archive`` module instead. [2792]
- TAP notifications service is now available for Gaia. [2376]
- Datalink can be used with the new parameter ``linking_parameter``.
It provides an additional meaning to the source identifiers:
'source_id', 'transit_id', and 'image_id'. [2859, 2936]
- Added support for output formats:
votable, votable_gzip (which is now the default), and ecsv. [2907]
- For the functions ``cone_search``, ``cone_search_async``, ``launch_job``,
and ``launch_job_async`` the data can be retrieved for the json
``output_format``. [2927, 2947]
- Method ``load_data`` now has the parameter ``valid_data`` to control the
epoch photometry service to return all data associated to a given source.
- Default Gaia catalog updated to DR3. [2596]
- Fix issue in which blank tables raised exceptions. [2624]
- The IRSA module's backend has been refactored to favour VO services and to
run the queries through TAP rather than Gator.
New method ``query_tap`` is added to enable ADQL queries, async-named
methods have been removed. The ``selcols`` kwarg has been renamed to
``columns``, and the ``cache`` and ``verbose`` kwargs have been
deprecated as they have no effect. [2823]
- Method to run SIAv2 VO queries, ``query_sia``, is added. [2837]
- Method to list available collections for SIA queries,
``list_collections``, is added. [2952]
- Deprecation of the module ``ipac.irsa.sha`` due to upstream API changes
and in favour of recommending using ``ipac.irsa`` instead. [2924]
- Removed deprecated methods ``query_planet`` and ``query_star``. [2431]
- Stability improvements to ``query_aliases`` to address bug that made
method retrieve no aliases for multiple star systems. [2506]
- Deprecate ``get_raw_response`` parameter in query methods.
The raw response may be retrieved from the _async() methods. [2418]
- Adding ``optional_setting`` parameter to the ephemerides methods to allow
passing additional settings. [1802]
- Topocentric coordinates can now be specified for both center and target in
observer and vector queries. [2625]
- Updated returned table columns to match Horizons's updates. [2794]
- Assign units to ``"hour_angle"``, ``"solartime"``, and ``"siderealtime"``
columns. [2794]
- Allow using units in locations specified as coordinates. [2746]
- Fix a bug for jplsdbd query when the returned physical quantity contains
a unit with exponential. [2377]
- Fix a bug in lookup-table generation when using ``parse_name_locally``
option. [2945]
- Fix issues with the line name parser and the line data parser; the original
implementation was incomplete and upstream was not fully
documented. [2385, 2411]
- Added new line list reader and enabled reading line list from remote
- Updated local version of line list to include some change in column names.
- Cull duplicate downloads for the same dataURI in
``Observations.download_products()`` and duplicate URIs in
``Observations.get_cloud_uris``. [2497]
- Fixed ``Observations.get_product_list`` to handle input lists of
obsids. [2504]
- Add a ``flat`` option to ``Observation.download_products()`` to turn off the
automatic creation and organizing of products into subdirectories. [2511]
- Expanding ``Cutouts`` functionality to support making Hubble Advanced
Product (HAP) cutouts via HAPCut. [2613]
- Expanding ``Cutouts`` functionality to support TICA HLSPs now available
through ``TesscutClass``. [2668]
- Resolved issue making PANSTARRS catalog queries when columns and sorting
is specified. [2727]
- Bug fix in ``Observations.query_criteria()`` to use ``page`` and
``pagesize`` parameters [2915]
- Added ``mast_query`` to ``MastClass`` to handle the creation of parameter
dictionaries for MAST Service queries. [2785]
- PanSTARRS data is now available to download anonymously from the public
STScI S3 buckets. [2893]
- Changed warning to error for authentication failure. [1874]
- Vectorized ``linename`` option to query multiple spectral lines with one call
of ``Nist.query``. [2678]
- Fix wavelength keywords, which were changed upstream. [2918]
- Fetch statistical weight (g) from the database. [2955]
- Fix bug in parsing events that contain html tags (e.g. in their alias
field). [2423]
- ``query_region()`` can perform cone search or a rectangular
search around the specified coordinates. [2477, 2663]
- The default data release has been changed to DR17. [2478]
- Switching to https to avoid issues originating in relying on server side
redirects. [2654]
- Fix bug to have object IDs as unsigned integers, on Windows, too.
[2800, 2806, 2880]
- new ``query_tap`` method to access SIMBAD. This comes with additional
methods to explore SIMBAD's tables and their links:
``list_tables``, ``list_columns``, and ``list_linked_tables``. [2856]
- It is now possible to specify multiple coordinates together with a single
radius as a string in ``query_region()`` and ``query_region_async()``.
- ``ROW_LIMIT`` is now respected when running region queries; previously, it
was ignored for region queries but respected for all others. A new warning,
``BlankResponseWarning``, is introduced for use when one or more query terms
result in a blank or missing row; previously, only a generic warning was
issued. [2637]
- Fix bug for ``radius`` parameter to not behave as diameter. [2601]
- Fix bug in ``height`` and ``width`` input validation. [2757]
- The wavelength limits in ``get_filter_index`` can now be specified using any
length unit, not just angstroms. [2444]
- Queries with invalid parameter names now raise an ``InvalidQueryError``.
- The default wavelength range used by ``get_filter_index`` was far too
large. The user must now always specify both upper and lower limits. [2509]
- Fix parsing vizier generated tsv returns. [2611]
- New method ``get_catalog_metadata`` allows to retrieve information about
VizieR catalogs such as origin_article, description, or last modified
date. [2878]
- The reason for query errors, as parsed from the returned VOTable is now
exposed as part of the traceback. [2608]
- Minor internal change to use VOTable as the response format that include
units, too. [1375]
Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions
- Optional keyword arguments are now keyword only.
[1802, 2339, 2477, 2532, 2597, 2601, 2609, 2610, 2655, 2656, 2661, 2671, 2690, 2703]
- New function, ``utils.cleanup_downloads.cleanup_saved_downloads``, is
added to help the testcleanup narrative in narrative documentations. [2384]
- Adding new ``BaseVOQuery`` baseclass for modules using VO tools. [2836]
- Adding more system and package information to User-Agent. [2762, 2836]
- Refactoring caching. [1634]
- Removal of the non-functional ``nrao`` module as it was completely
incompatible with the refactored upstream API. [2546]
- Removal of the non-functional ``noirlab`` module because the current module
is incompatible with the new upstream API. [2579]
- Removed deprecated function ``utils.commons.send_request()``. [2583]
- Removed deprecated function ``utils.download_list_of_fitsfiles()``. [2594]
- Versions of astropy <4.2.1 and numpy <1.18 are no longer supported. [2602]
- Add support for ``MAXREC`` parameter. [1584]
- Data downloads are now executed in streaming mode. [2910]