New Tools and Services
- Module added to interface to astrometry.net plate-solving service. [1163]
- Module added to access data at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre. [1354, 1486]
- Module added ``hubble`` for accessing the ESA Hubble Archive. [1373, 1534]
- Added tables sharing, tables edition, upload from pytable and job results,
cross match, data access and datalink access. [1266]
- Service ``miriade`` added, querying asteroid and comets ephemerides. [1353]
- Service ``skybot`` added, identifying Solar System objects in a given
field at a given epoch. [1353]
- Addition of observation metadata query. [1473]
- Addition of catalogs.MAST PanSTARRS catalog queries. [1473]
- Functionality added to query observations database. [1350]
Service fixes and enhancements
- Fix some broken VOtable returns and a broken login URL. [1369]
- ``get_project_metadata()`` is added to query project metadata. [1147]
- Add access to the ``member_ous_id`` attribute. [1316]
- Apply MOCPy v0.5.* API changes. [1343]
- Try to re-authenticate when logged out from the ESO server. [1315]
- Fixing error handling to filter out only the query errors. [1338]
- Add ``refplane`` keyword to ``vectors_async`` to return data for different
available reference planes. [1335]
- Vector queries provide different aberrations, ephemerides queries provide
extra precision option. [1478]
- Fix crash when precision to the second on epoch is requested. [1488]
- Fix for missing H, G values. [1333]
- Fix for missing values. [1333]
- Update query_criteria keyword obstype->intentType. [1366]
- Remove deprecated authorization code, fix unit tests, general code cleanup,
documentation additions. [1409]
- TIC catalog search update. [1483]
- Add search by object name to Tesscut, make resolver_object public, minor bugfixes. [1499]
- Add option to query TESS Candidate Target List (CTL) Catalog. [1503]
- Add verbose keyword for option to silence logger info and warning about S3
in enable_cloud_dataset(). [1536]
- Fix an error in one of the default keys, citations->citation. [1337]
- Fixed an upstream issue where js was included in returned data. [1359]
- Unescape raw HTML codes in returned data back into Unicode equivalents to
stop them silently breaking Table parsing. [1431]
- Fix parameter validation allowing for hybrid telescope configuration. [1283]
- Update to SDSS-IV URLs and general clean-up. [1308]
- Support using the output values of ``find_catalog`` in ``get_catalog``. [603]
- Fix to ensure to fall back on the default catalog when it's not provided as
part of the query method. [1328]
- Fix swapped width and length parameters. [1406]
- Add parameter ``area`` to restrict sky region considered. [1476]
Infrastructure, Utility and Other Changes and Additions
- HTTP user-agent now has the string ``_testrun`` in the version number of astroquery,
for queries triggered by testing. [1307]
- Adding deprecation decorators to ``utils`` from astropy to be used while we
support astropy <v3.1.2. [1435]
- Added tables sharing, tables edition, upload from pytable and job results,
data access and datalink access to ``utils.tap``. [1266]
- Added a new ``astroquery.__citation__`` and ``astroquery.__bibtex__``
attributes which give a citation for astroquery in bibtex format. [1391]