
Latest version: v0.40.0

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- Minor refactorings: less private variables which are actually public (through properties) anyway
- Store XML-node at UpnpDevice/UpnpService/UpnpAction/UpnpAction.Argument/UpnpStateVariable
- Use http.HTTPStatus
- Try to be closer to the UPnP spec with regard to eventing


- Show a bit more information on unexpected status from HTTP GET
- Try to handle invalid XML from LastChange event
- Pylint fixes


- Add option to ``upnp-client`` to set timeout for device communication/discovery
- Add option to be strict (default false) with regard to invalid data
- Add more error handling to ``upnp-client``
- Add async_discovery
- Fix discovery-traffic not being logged to async_upnp_client.traffic-logger
- Add discover devices specific from/for Profile


- Better parsing + robustness for media_duration/media_position in dlna-profile
- Ensure absolute URL in case a relative URL is returned for DmrDevice.media_image_url (with fix by rytilahti)
- Fix events not being handled when subscribing to all services ('*')
- Gracefully handle invalid values from events by setting None/UpnpStateVariable.UPNP_VALUE_ERROR/None as value/value_unchecked
- Work-around for devices which don't send the SID upon re-subscribing


- Try to subscribe if re-subscribe didn't work + push subscribe-related methods upwards to UpnpProfileDevice
- Do store min/max/allowed values at stateVariable even when disable_state_variable_validation has been enabled
- Add relative and absolute Seek commands to DLNA DMR profile
- Try harder to get a artwork picture for DLNA DMR Profile


- Add support for discovery via SSDP
- Make IGD aware that certain actions live on WANPPP or WANIPC service

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