
Latest version: v0.39.0

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- Be more tolerant about extracting UDN from USN. Before, it was expecting the literal `uuid:`. Now it is case insensitive. (more_tolerant_udn_from_usn_parsing)
- Several SSDP related fixes for UPnPServer. (ssdp_fixes)
- Fix a race condition in `server.SsdpAdvertisementAnnouncer` regarding protocol initialization. (148)
- Fixes with regard to binding socket(s) for SSDP on macOS. Includes changes/improvements for Linux and Windows as well. (149)




- Add ability to build a upnp server.

This creates a complete upnp server, including a SSDP search responder and regular SSDP advertisement broadcasting. See the scripts ``contrib/`` or ``contrib/`` for examples. (143)
- Add options to UpnpServer + option to always respond with root device.

The option is to ensure that Windows (11) always sees the device in the Network view in the Explorer. (145)
- Provide a single method to retrieve commonly updated data. This contains:
* traffic counters:
* bytes_received
* bytes_sent
* packets_received
* packets_sent
* status_info:
* connection_status
* last_connection_error
* uptime
* external_ip_address
* derived traffic counters:
* kibibytes_per_sec_received (since last call)
* kibibytes_per_sec_sent (since last call)
* packets_per_sec_received (since last call)
* packets_per_sec_sent (since last call)

Also let IgdDevice calculate derived traffic counters (value per second). (146)


- * `DmrDevice.async_wait_for_can_play` will poll for changes to the `CurrentTransportActions` state variable, instead of just waiting for events.
* `DmrDevice._fetch_headers` will perform a GET with a Range for the first byte, to minimise unnecessary network traffic. (chishm) (142)
- Breaking change: ``ST`` stands for search target, not service type. (144)


- dev_deps




- Cache decoding ssdp packets (bdraco) (141)




- Ignore the ``HOST``-header in ``SsdpListener``. When a device advertises on both IPv4 and IPV6, the advertisements
have the header ```` and ``[FF02::C]:1900``, respectively. Given that the ``SsdpListener`` did
not ignore this header up to now, it was seen as a change and causing a reinitialisation in the Home Assistant
``upnp`` component. (140)




- Fix errors raised when `AiohttpSessionRequester` is disconnected while writing a request body.

The server is allowed to disconnect at any time during a request session, which point we want to retry the request.

A disconnection could manifest as an `aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError` if it happened between requests, or it could be `aiohttp.ClientOSError` if it happened while we are writing the request body. Both errors derive from `aiohttp.ClientConnectionError` for socket errors.

Also use `repr` when encapsulating errors for easier debugging. (139)




- Work around aiohttp sending invalid Host-header. When the device url contains
a IPv6-addresshost with scope_id, aiohttp sends the scope_id with the
Host-header. This causes problems with some devices, returning a HTTP 404
error or perhaps a HTTP 400 error. (138)

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