
Latest version: v1.3.1

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* Added: ``copy_attachments`` argument
to ``audformat.Database.update()``
* Changed: preserve ``dtypes``
when ``audformat.Table.get()``
is called with an index
* Changed: speed up ``audformat.utils.union()``
* Changed: allow to save a database
with missing attachments



* Added: ``audformat.Attachment`` to store
any kind of files/folders as part of the database
* Added: support for Python 3.10
* Added: support for Python 3.11
* Changed: require ``audeer>=1.19.0``
* Changed: split API documentation into sub-pages
for each function
* Fixed: support ``"meta"`` as key in meta dictionaries
like the one passed as ``meta`` argument
to ``audformat.Database``



* Fixed: avoid ``FutureWarning``
when setting values in place for a series
in ``audformat.Column.set()``
* Fixed: improve sketches
in the specifications section
of the documentation



* Changed: ``audformat.Column.set()``
now lists values
not matching
the scheme of the column
in the corresponding error message
* Fixed: ``audformat.Column.set()``
checking of values
for a scheme with minimum and/or maximum
when input values are given
as ``np.array``
and contain ``NaN``
or ``None``
* Fixed: ``audformat.Column.set()``
checking of values
for a scheme with minimum and/or maximum
when minimum or maximum is 0



* Added: ``audformat.Table.map_files()``
* Fixed: ``audformat.Database.load()``
for databases that contain a scheme
with labels stored in a misc table
that is using schemes for its columns.
Before it could fail
if the schemes were not loaded in the correct order
* Fixed: ``audformat.Table.drop_index()``
and ``audformat.MiscTable.drop_index()``
when the provided index to drop
contains entries
not present in the index of the table.
Before it was extending the table
by those entries
besides dropping overlapping indices



* Added: ``audformat.Scheme.uses_table``
to indicate if the scheme uses a misc table
to store its labels
* Added: usage example to docstring of
* Changed: forbid nesting of misc tables as scheme labels
* Fixed: support for ``pd.Index``
and ``pd.Series``
in ``audformat.utils.to_filewise_index()``
* Fixed: description of ``audformat.Schemes.labels``
in API documentation

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