(Unless otherwise noted, from this release onward, all changes described in release notes are for v2.)
ianna added a one-column implementation of `ak.from_rdataframe`: PR 1508.
jpivarski added `ak._v2.types.from_datashape`, though the parser will need work to make it accept all v2 type strings: PR 1513.
jpivarski silenced a known-to-be-fixed NumPy warning: PR 1464.
Changed nothing (relative to 1.9.0rc3) except for the name of the repo: scikit-hep/awkward-1.0 → scikit-hep/awkward. I just want to make sure that all of the test and deployment machinery is still working.
See [https://github.com/orgs/scikit-hep/discussions/1](https://github.com/orgs/scikit-hep/discussions/1).
jpivarski fixed `to_layout` with `allow_records=False` (v1 and v2): PR 1456.
agoose77 added `ak.is_tuple` (v1 and v2): PR 1351, 1356. Added a `depth_limit` option to `ak.broadcast_arrays` (v1 and v2): PR 1373.
henryiii fixed builds for pypy 3.9: PR 1412.
Ahmad-AlSubaie fixed the Numba extension for an upcoming deprecation: PR 1413.
jpivarski fixed a case of VirtualArray materialization in `ak.with_name`: PR 1346. Made `ak.cartesian` true to its documentation in taking an iterable (potentially unknown `len`) as argument: PR 1364. Fixed a corner-case in reducers (v1 and v2): PR 1378. Fixed bug in sorting due to zero-length shortcuts (v1 and v2): PR 1387.