henryiii updated the Python style to take advantage of Python 3.6 and above (format strings!): PR 1244, 1246. Fixed a problem associated with building twice: PR 1254. Added shellcheck: PR 1243. Updated pytest config: PR 1255. Added dependabot: PR 1263. Updated black: PR 1267. Added nox and pylint support: PR 1262. Updated style using pylint: PR 1275.
agoose77 and ianna fixed a segfault in reducers on >= 4-dimensional arrays with `axis != -1` (v1 and v2): PR 1274.
jpivarski allowed `ak.nan_to_num` arguments to be arrays: PR 1298. This is a blocker for https://github.com/scikit-hep/vector/pull/172, motivating the final push toward 1.8.0 release.