Added - Syndicate now supports configurations in YAML: syndicate.yml and syndicate_aliases.yml; The old ones (sdct.conf, sdct_alises.conf) are still supported. - Syndicate configuration generation. Command `syndicate init --help` - Python/Java/NodeJS project generation. Command `syndicate generate project --help` - Python/Java/NodeJS lambda generation. Command `syndicate generate lambda --help` - All commands from group `generate` and the command `syndicate init` are able to be executed without provided `SDCT_CONF` variable
Changed - All bundles now are stored to `$SDCT_CONF/bundles`folder.
Added - Version option. 'syndicate --version' is now available. - Docs for commands. Changed - fixed an issue of 'The role defined for the function cannot be assumed by Lambda' while creating lambda right after the role for the lambda was created.
Added - Lambda provisioned concurrency configuration. - LambdaProvisionedConcurrency java annotation added aws-syndicate mvn plugin. - deployment-configuration-processor version bump to 1.5.8. Changed - Lambda concurrency configuration field renamed in lambda_config.json from concurrency to max_concurrency.
Added - Generation meta for Lambda Layers.
Changed - Lambda layer attribute renamed: fileName -> deployment_package. - Fixed filters for resources in the 'clean' command.
Removed - The 'publish_lambda_version' command. 'update' should be used instead.
Added - Command 'update'. Should be used for infrastructure update instead of 'publish_lambda_version'. - The 'replace_output' flag to 'deploy' and 'update' commands.
Changed - The 'publish_lambda_version' command is not recommended to use. - Add check for existing deploy name for commands 'deploy', 'update'. - Improved log messages.
Removed - No removals
Added - NodeJS runtime supported. - Implemented Lambda Layers deployment from meta. - The 'force' flag to 'upload_bundle', 'copy_bundle', 'build_bundle' commands.