Feature: Get Adapter Fetch History
New Methods:
- client.adapters.get_fetch_history
- client.adapters.get_fetch_history_generator
- client.adapters.get_fetch_history_filters
New Commands:
- axonshell adapters get-fetch-history-filters
- axonshell adapters get-fetch-history
Feature: Add support for new Get Saved Query arguments
New arguments for method client.devices.saved_query.get:
- include_usage (bool, default: False): include details of what other saved queries are using each sq
- get_view_data (bool, default: True): include the view object of each sq
- creators (optional, list of str, default: None, NOT YET SUPPORTED): only get sqs created by supplied users
- folder (optional, str, default: None, NOT YET SUPPORTED): name of folder to get saved queries from
- used_in (optional, list of str, default: None, NOT YET SUPPORTED): only get sq's that are used in supplied sqs
- paging options: page_sleep, page_size, row_start, row_stop
Feature: Include saved query ID and expressions when counting or getting assets by saved query
Performing a get_by_saved_query or count_by_saved_query will now accurately reflect the sq in the audit logs
Feature: Update schemas with new fields
Updated schemas:
- json_api.assets.AssetRequest
- json_api.adapters.Adapter
- json_api.adapters.Cnxs
- json_api.enforcements.SetBasic
- json_api.enforcements.UpdateResponse
- json_api.enforcements.ActionType
- json_api.instances.Instance
- json_api.saved_queries.SavedQuery
- json_api.system_users.SystemUser
Feature: Fix for Python 3.6
Changed parsing of datetime stamp for all_logs_list.py from `datetime.datetime.fromisoformat` (3.7+ only) to `dateutil.parser.parse`
Bugfix: History date arguments not showing in get-by-saved-query
axonshell devices/users/vulnerabilities get-by-saved-query now showing history arguments properly:
- `-hd, --history-date YYYY-MM-DD`
- `-hda, --history-days-ago TEXT`
- `-hex, --history-exact / -nhex, --no-history-exact`
Bugfix: explode_entities argument improperly named
`--explode-entities` accepted properly now, mistaken form of `--explode_entities` will be left for backwards compatibility
Bugfix: use-password-reset-token command had incorrect description
axonshell tools use-password-reset-token now shows the correct description.
What's Changed
* 4.40.1 by lifehackjim in https://github.com/Axonius/axonius_api_client/pull/195
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Axonius/axonius_api_client/compare/4.40.0...4.40.1