This is the ninth minor release (v1.9) introducing user-provided feature regions and various minor improvements.
Compatible database scheme version: 5
New features
* Support _a priori_ user-provided feature regions via `--regions` either in Genbank or GFF3 format (currently, only `CDS` features are supported). CDS coordinates are imported, supersede _de novo_ predicted `CDS`, and are subject to the regular internal annotation workflow. To provide functional annotation, as well use `--proteins`: 216 245 247 250 259 (Thanks marade PengfanZhang simone-pignotti thorellk)
* Extract & export CRISPR spacer & repeat sequences: 171 249 (Thanks alexweisberg)
* Add support for Pyrodigal v3: 240 244 (Thanks jsgounot)
* Replace HMMER with PyHMMER: 219 (Thanks jhahnfeld)
* Re-activate parallel pyrodigal gene prediction: 252 (Thanks althonos)
* Introduce auxiliary scripts: 246 251 (Thanks AhmedElsherbini)
* Add Podman wrapper script: bd50faabfe7a2cbad7c63f453baae854503a9d46
* Update dependencies to latest versions: 3260441ed181176c71e39125cb58a1e0df69b7dc 33c02f92305c51d3741172d3851bedc7463f83c8 a1d2ffeb465cc9afbb124fe903a877b3ef562d22 b2656722dd5199416b308291c6c7188ccd4f9f58 1a2c48ee177800e21d3ff3e2356fc253407ecd65
* Fix PyPI CD: 231
* Add missing `--force` parameter to Docker wrapper script: f39434ed670d1310a144df9defcd3f556e36ffbf
* Fix wrong runtime report: 243
**Full Changelog**: