- analysis & output of hypothetical proteins added (pfam detection & calculation of sequence statistics) - improved CI - improved DB compilation process - added annotation summary to GenBank output files - added CWL file
Bug fixes: - fix error msgs
**Improvements**: - automated integration tests added - genome & plasmid test sequences added - massively improved fasta output performance - several genbank flat file output improvements - code reviews - adhere to translation table in sORF detection
**Bug fixes**: - fix annotations of truncated CDS - fix truncated CDS positions in GenBank
Fix breaking bug in annotation statistics.
This is a patch release comprising the following fixes: - fix Prodigal training file logic (creation & usage) - fix coding density calculation on edge features
as well as some minor improvements: - introduce `omit_readlock` PRAGMA for SQLite queries - add genome completeness info to `JSON` output
The first public release for broad testing & debugging.