• Fix the “Recurring SQL Expression Parsing Error on Query Builder” error. This error occurs when post processing tool is working with more than 10000 subbasins.
• Speed up the post processing tools. Parallelize some functions inside the post processing tools.
• Let the bankfull width of the non-connected lake subbasin to be calculated using its own drainage area. In v2.1 the bankfull width of the non-connected lake subbasin is assigned using the bankfull width of its first downstream river connected subbasin. This will avoid lakes in the head water subbasin has unreasonable large bankfull width.
• Add “:SeepageParameters 0 0” in the generated Lake.rvh file.
• Add a new parameter “lake_out_flow_method” for function “Generate_Raven_Model_Inputs”.
lake_out_flow_method = ‘broad_crest’: all lakes in Lake.rvh will using broad crested weir equation in Raven
lake_out_flow_method = ‘power_law’: in Lake.rvh file, lakes with observation will using power_law equation in Raven, while the lake without observations will still using the broad crested weir equation