new_topics = [np.argmax(prob) if max(prob) >= probability_threshold else -1 for prob in probs]
* Fixed `None` being returned for probabilities when transforming unseen documents
* Replaced all instances of `arg:` with `Arguments:` for consistency
* Before saving a fitted BERTopic instance, we remove the stopwords in the fitted CountVectorizer model as it can get quite large due to the number of words that end in stopwords if `min_df` is set to a value larger than 1
* Set `"hdbscan>=0.8.28"` to prevent numpy issues
* Although this was already fixed by the new release of HDBSCAN, it is technically still possible to install 0.8.27 with BERTopic which leads to these numpy issues
* Update gensim dependency to `>=4.0.0` ([371](
* Fix topic 0 not appearing in visualizations ([472](
* Fix ([506](
* Fix ([429](
* Fix typo in DTM documentation by [hp0404]( in [#386](