* Updated README
* Fixed future deprecation of set_window_title
* Added error popup and logging for bad mode
* Added probe species to fileview
* Fixed issue with viewing 1n runs with no ppg param logged
* Added doppler tube to fileviewer
* Rates show as k/M/G instead of full number, added F/B
* Fixed custom epics var issue
* Fixed x label for custom scan in 1n
* Added 1c, 1d modes to raw scan calc list
* Fixed zerodiv error, area detection in fileview
* removed 1n from fitting options
* fix for the area.upper issue
* Now accesses custom field of asym for drawing custom epics var
* Updaed bdata version
* Fixed area check in dataline
* Added las wavelen, lamba to fileview, export
* Update turns off update autoscale only for 20 and 2h runs
* Added draw 1f as shifted from peak
* init param value out of range adjusts bounds auto
* Added legend to function placer
* Fixed issue with not removing parameters from fitdata.fitpar on changing n components