Non-Backwards Compatible Changes
* Input changes to global_fitter, fit_bdata, and global_bdata_fitter
* Lorentzian function, BiLorentzian function now report actual FWHM. Prior value was 2x too low. [This is wrong. It was right the first time. Updated in v4.1.1]
New Features
* Added menu option to force normalized draw without fit parameter
* Added results button to fit tab to show the breakdown of multi-component fits
* Allows direct import of some fitting backend functions, such as `from bfit import global_fitter`
* Added migrad minimizer from iminuit for independent, global, constrained, and model fits.
* Added least squares class for migrad minimization, which accounts for x and asymmetric errors.
* Added asymmetric error reporting for fit tab, export, compare table, parameter drawing, model fitting
* Added menu option to switch minimizers: curve_fit (trf), midgrad with hesse errors, migrad with minos errors
* Draw parameters now have pretty latex-ed labels
* Added button and popup for user-defined parameters which can be used in both drawing and model fitting
* Updated spins for all bnmr probes
* Updated bdata version
* Updated Readme
* Updated Help document
* Updated save/load state
* Removed 'Get P0' button
* Fixed draw parameter initial label to be blank
* Fixed drawing too many objects in legend
* `fit_bdata`: Added flush for print statement on shared parameter fits
* Fixed the resetting fixed checkbox issue on tab change
* `fetch_files`: degrid now unselects fit drawing. Fixes a small bug
* Fixed missing logged T issue
* Fixed draw parameter sort order - important when drawing with connecting lines
* Fixed 2e axis units
* When fitting a model, the mouseover annotation remains in place.
* Fitting a model allows drawing of multiple lines, distinguished by their functional form
* Fixed remove legend on draw_all for other figstyles