* Deprecate Travis; Update Travis config imports to a fixed commit * Update OpenSSL 1.1.1 patch level to i * Add latest reference updates
* AppVeyor: Remove Visual Studio 2015 builds from all repositories * Fix: Remove SPDX check as the spdx-lookup package got de-published * Add latest reference updates
* Update GHA workflow to version 8. More implementation logic is now handled by bincrafters-package-tools, which makes the GHA config file simpler and more flexible * Add latest reference updates
* Update GHA workflow to version 7. It now uses the new method to set environment variables for subsequent steps. It also runs Ubuntu 20.04 (instead of 18.04) for generating the build matrix * Fix a warning if the test_package does not contain a `CMakeLists.txt` file * Add latest reference updates
* H049: Increase minimum CMake version to 3.4 if WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS is used * Add latest reference updates
* H046: Remove set(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE TRUE) from CMake files * H048: Update the required CMake version in test_packages to a minimum of 3.1 * H044: Update self.requires.add() to self.requires() and self.build_requires.add() to self.build_requires() * Add latest reference updates