* update XCode images 11 -> 11.2
* add Clang 9 builds
* fetch up to 600 repositories from the GitHub api for the remote feature
* update Linux host image Xenial -> Bionic
* remove Clang 7 workaround; use `conanio/clang70` container for new jobs
* remove check for existing readme in the checks features
* delete Bincrafters and Conan Community author attributes
* remote feature: put CI skip tags in the long commit description
* remove standalone CLI feature to update only the readme
* update check for `tools.get()` to look if `conandata.yml` is used
* increase minimum Conan version to 1.18.0 as it is the first version which supports `user/channel` as optional
* fix jobs_update not returning explicit value, causing the remote feature to not push modified files
* add latest CCI reference updates