Date: 2024-01-08
API changes:
Default behavior of `ensure_nullable` option in `overlap` was modified to minimize the possibility of regressions in libraries that depend on legacy behavior.
* The new option was renamed `ensure_int` and is `True` by default. It ensures that output coordinate columns are always returned with an integer dtype, as was the case in prior versions. This is achieved by converting columns having non-nullable NumPy dtypes to Pandas nullable ones in the specific case where the result of an **outer join** generates missing values; otherwise, column dtypes are preserved unchanged in the output.
* Unlike previous minor versions of bioframe, the nullable dtype chosen will have the **same underlying type** as the corresponding column from the input (i.e, an input dataframe using `np.uint32` start coordinates may yield a `pd.UInt32` start column in the output).
* This behavior can be turned off by setting `ensure_int` to `False`, in which case outer joins on dataframes using NumPy dtypes may produce floating point output columns when missing values are introduced (stored as `NaN`), following the native casting behavior of such columns.
**Full Changelog**: