Date: 2021-08-31
Conceptual changes:
* we formulated strict definitions for genomic intervals, dataframes, and
their various properties. All bioframe functions are expected to follow
to these definitions tightly.
API changes:
* reorganize modules:
* ops - operations on genomic interval dataframes
* extras - miscellaneous operations, most involving
genomic sequences and gene annotations
* vis - visualizations of genomic interval dataframes
* core.arrops - operations on genomic interval arrays
* core.checks - tests for definitions of genomic interval dataframes
* - construction and sanitation of genomic interval dataframes
* core.specs - specifications for the implementation of genomic intervals in pandas.dataframes
(i.e. column names, datatypes, etc)
* core.stringops - operations on genomic interval strings
* io.fileops - I/O on common file formats for genomic data
* io.schemas - schemas for standard tabular formats for genomic data storage
* io.resources - interfaces to popular online genomic data resources
* new functions: extras.pair_by_distance, ops.sort_bedframe, ops.assign_view,
dataframe constructors
* existing functions:
* expand: take negative values and fractional values
* overlap: change default suffixes, keep_order=True
* subtract: add return_index and keep_order
* enable pd.NA for missing values, typecasting
New data:
* add schemas for bedpe, gap, UCSCmRNA, pgsnp
* add tables with curated detailed genome assembly information
* None?..
* speed up frac_gc is faster now
* drop support for Python 3.6, add support for 3.9
**Full Changelog**: