- `analys.Fasta.max_min_len()` function added to find the max and min lengths from the FASTA file.
- `analys.Fasta.extract_seq()` function updated to extract the sequences based on specific region from the FASTA file. The support for input as pandas Series is removed.
- `analys.Fasta.multi_to_single_line()` function added for converting multi line FASTA into single line FASTA
- `analys.Fasta.rev_com()` function updated for taking the input sequences from FASTA file and added support lowercase DNA bases
- `analys.stat.ztest()` function added for analyzing one and two sample Z-test - Updated `analys.stat.ttest()` function for handling NaN values - `result()` attribute added for `ztest()` and `ttest()` for accessing stat and p values
- `split_bed` added to `HtsAna` class. The `split_bed` split the BED file by chromosome