- `analys.gff.gff_to_gtf` function updated to handle dot value for phase in CDS features
- `Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Data Set added - `visuz.stat.roc` function added for visualizing the ROC
- `bartlett` and `levene` function added to `analys.stat` class for checking the ANOVA assumptions for datasets in stacked format - `tukey_hsd` function updated for grouping order - Pandas series added as input for `fasta.extract_seq` function
- `extract_seq` function moved to `fasta` class - `extract_seq` function deprecated from `analys` - visualization for single and multiple statistical bar charts updated for future releases
- Tukey HSD test updated for interaction effect. Pairwise comparison for interaction effect can be calculated. - `gff_to_gtf` function updated for the GFF3 file for non-coding RNA transcripts. GFF3 files with non-coding transcripts (e.g. from miRBase GFF3) can be converted to GTF
- genFam enrichment analysis function added (`bioinfokit.analys.genfam.fam_enrich`) - genfam test added