
Latest version: v1.3.0.0

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BivittatusDB: Operator-Based Relational Database Management System

This is a Python-based relational database management system (RDBMS) designed from scratch with operator-based functionalities. It's a standalone system not compatible with SQL or NoSQL databases, aiming to provide a simple yet functional database management solution.

- **Operator-based operations**: The database operates using operators such as `+`, `-`, and `==` to manipulate data.
- **Relational Structure**: Organizes data in tables with rows and columns, following a relational database model.
- **Basic CRUD Operations**: Supports basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
- **Indexing**: Efficient data retrieval with indexing mechanisms.
- **Transaction Management**: Implements transaction management to ensure data consistency.
- **Security**: All databases are asymmetrically encrypted with a user defined password for each database.

To install this, use the following command, as the latest commit could (and probably does) have a few errors, but the last stable release is working (as far as we know):

git clone

See the examples directory and [wiki]( for examples off different operations.

1. clone the repo and cd into the BivitattusDB directroy
2. Import bivittatusDB into your python file/interpreter.
3. Follow the information from the [wiki]( for more info on specific usage

The databases are saved in hybrid-asymmetrically encrypted and therefore need encryption handlers, as seen in the [`requirements.txt`](.github/requirements.txt) file.
pip install -r .github/requirements.txt

What's Changed
* Data viewing fixes by ScriptSlayer0 in
* Script slayer0 main by HarbingerOfFire in
* Fix: ex_auto_commit data viewing by ScriptSlayer0 in

**Full Changelog**:



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BivittatusDB: Operator-Based Relational Database Management System

This is a Python-based relational database management system (RDBMS) designed from scratch with operator-based functionalities. It's a standalone system not compatible with SQL or NoSQL databases, aiming to provide a simple yet functional database management solution.

- **Operator-based operations**: The database operates using operators such as `+`, `-`, and `==` to manipulate data.
- **Relational Structure**: Organizes data in tables with rows and columns, following a relational database model.
- **Basic CRUD Operations**: Supports basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
- **Indexing**: Efficient data retrieval with indexing mechanisms.
- **Transaction Management**: Implements transaction management to ensure data consistency. (Coming in Stage 3)

See the examples directory and [wiki]( for examples off different operations.

1. clone the repo and cd into the BivitattusDB directroy
2. Import bivittatusDB into your python file/interpreter.
3. Follow the information from the [wiki]( for more info on specific usage

The databases are saved in h5 files, and as such requires the h5py module, as seen in the [`requirements.txt`](.github/requirements.txt) file.
pip install -r .github/requirements.txt

Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.See [Contributing](.github/ & [Code of Cunduct](.github/

This project is licensed under the [MIT License](.github/LICENSE).

This file provides an overview of the operator-based relational database management system implemented in Python, detailing its current features, future plans, usage instructions, dependencies, and contribution guidelines. Additionally, it outlines the licensing information for the project.


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<img src="./logo.png" />

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BivittatusDB: Operator-Based Relational Database Management System (Stage Two)

This is a Python-based relational database management system (RDBMS) designed from scratch with operator-based functionalities. It's a standalone system not compatible with SQL or NoSQL databases, aiming to provide a simple yet functional database management solution.

- **Operator-based operations**: The database operates using operators such as `+`, `-`, and `==` to manipulate data.
- **Relational Structure**: Organizes data in tables with rows and columns, following a relational database model.
- **Basic CRUD Operations**: Supports basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
- **Indexing**: Efficient data retrieval with indexing mechanisms.
- **Transaction Management**: Implements transaction management to ensure data consistency. (Coming in Stage 3)

Stage Two Implementation
At this stage, the database system supports the following features:
- Creating tables with specified columns.
- Inserting data into tables.
- Deleting data from tables.
- Basic querying using select operations.
- Table joins (right, left, and full)
- Autocommit
- Primary Keys (with integrity checks)
- Data typing (with integrity checks)

See the examples directory for examples off different operations.

Future Plans (Stage Three)
For the next stage of development, the following features are planned to be implemented:
- **Foreign Keys**: Establish relationships between tables to enforce referential integrity.
- **Update Values**: Implement functionality to update values directly instead of deleting and adding back.
- **Transaction Management**: Implement savepoints and rollback features to ensure consistency.
- **Data Compression**: Compress data to save space in files

1. Import bivittatusDB into your python file/interpreter.
2. Follow the information from the [wiki]( for more info on specific usage

The databases are saved in h5 files, and as such requires the h5py module, as seen in the [`requirements.txt`](./requirements.txt) file.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Stage 1. We got the basics done. But there is so much more to do. See the [wiki]( for more.

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<img src="./logo.png" />

[![Static Badge](](./version.txt "")
[![Static Badge](](
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[![Quality Gate Status](](

BivittatusDB: Operator-Based Relational Database Management System

This is a Python-based relational database management system (RDBMS) designed from scratch with operator-based functionalities. It's a standalone system not compatible with SQL or NoSQL databases, aiming to provide a simple yet functional database management solution.

- **Operator-based operations**: The database operates using operators such as `+`, `-`, and `==` to manipulate data.
- **Relational Structure**: Organizes data in tables with rows and columns, following a relational database model.
- **Basic CRUD Operations**: Supports basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
- **Indexing**: Efficient data retrieval with indexing mechanisms.
- **Transaction Management**: Implements transaction management to ensure data consistency.
- **Security**: All databases are asymmetrically encrypted with a user defined password for each database.

Installation is now available through pip, via the latest release. To get the latest fix (with beta features) use
pip install bivittatusDB

The last build is unavailable via pip at this time. Based on the [release schedule](, release should be released 08/01/2025. The closest working version of build available on PyPi is v1.0.0.1

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<img src="./logo.png" />

[![Static Badge](](./version.txt "")
[![Static Badge](](
![Static Badge](
![Static Badge](
[![Quality Gate Status](](

BivittatusDB: Operator-Based Relational Database Management System

This is a Python-based relational database management system (RDBMS) designed from scratch with operator-based functionalities. It's a standalone system not compatible with SQL or NoSQL databases, aiming to provide a simple yet functional database management solution.

- **Operator-based operations**: The database operates using operators such as `+`, `-`, and `==` to manipulate data.
- **Relational Structure**: Organizes data in tables with rows and columns, following a relational database model.
- **Basic CRUD Operations**: Supports basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
- **Indexing**: Efficient data retrieval with indexing mechanisms.
- **Transaction Management**: Implements transaction management to ensure data consistency.
- **Security**: All databases are asymmetrically encrypted with a user defined password for each database.

Installation is now available through pip, via the latest release. To get the latest fix (with beta features) use
pip install bivittatusDB

The last build is unavailable via pip at this time. Based on the [release schedule](, release should be released 08/01/2025. The closest working version of build available on PyPi is v1.0.0.1

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