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BivittatusDB: Operator-Based Relational Database Management System
This is a Python-based relational database management system (RDBMS) designed from scratch with operator-based functionalities. It's a standalone system not compatible with SQL or NoSQL databases, aiming to provide a simple yet functional database management solution.
- **Operator-based operations**: The database operates using operators such as `+`, `-`, and `==` to manipulate data.
- **Relational Structure**: Organizes data in tables with rows and columns, following a relational database model.
- **Basic CRUD Operations**: Supports basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
- **Indexing**: Efficient data retrieval with indexing mechanisms.
- **Transaction Management**: Implements transaction management to ensure data consistency.
- **Security**: All databases are asymmetrically encrypted with a user defined password for each database.
Installation is now available through pip, via the latest release. To get the latest fix (with beta features) use
pip install bivittatusDB
The last build is unavailable via pip at this time. Based on the [release schedule](https://github.com/HarbingerOfFire/bivittatusDB/wiki/dbed-0001), release should be released 08/01/2025. The closest working version of build available on PyPi is v1.0.0.1