
Latest version: v2.4.8

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* System: Export & import all configurations (zones, scan-patterns, flows etc.).
* WebGUI: Configurable point cloud recording duration (default: 1 minute).
* Diagnostics: Gather detailed information about network link speed and settings obtained via DHCP.
* Sensor Setup: Compute ground plane alignment using plane segmentation on point cloud.
* Bugfix: Network default gateway was not set via DHCP under certain conditions.

| Import & Export | Network Diagnostics |
| ![Import & Export]( | ![Network Diagnostics]( |


* Percept: Expose more alarm conditions of the object-based zone in the WebGUI
* Intruder lifetime: Minimum lifetime of an object before it can trigger an alarm.
* Intruder track length: Minimum distance an object has to travel before it can trigger an alarm.
* Intruding duration: Minimum time the object has to intrude a zone before an alarm is raised.
* Percept: Estimate covered distance of tracked objects.
* Percept: Derive movement direction and velocity of tracked objects.
* ONVIF / RTSP: Non-static points in the point cloud (foreground) are colored with the highlighting color.

| Video Stream with motion highlighting |
| <img src="" width="547" height="410" /> |


* Bugfix: Tracked objects which were no longer visible to any sensor caused zones to trigger an alarm.
* Bugfix: Point cloud viewer only shows tracked objects which are currently visible to at least one sensor.
* Bugfix: Initial background point cloud now contains the creation timestamp.
* Bugfix: Allow `deepcopy` & `pickle` of protobuf messages obtained through the `blickfeld_qb2` pip package.
* Bugfix: Swarm enabled sensor setup no longer fails to create an application key when user management is disabled.




* Flow: Gracefully disable node-red safe mode so that flows will run continuously.
* Recording: Improve data-handling and recording performance.
* User Management: Add admin view for user-management to add, delete, block or reset accounts on the Qb2.
* Factory reset: Method to delete all user configuration and set the device to the factory state.

| User Management Admin View | Factory Reset |
| --- | --- |
| ![user-management-admin-view]( | ![maintenance-factory-reset-view]( |

* Enhancement: Add object tracking based on joint integrated probabilistic data association (JIPDA).
* Enhancement: Publish additional properties (lifetime, intrusion status, tracking confidence) for tracked objects.
* Enhancement: Filter objects which consist of mostly background points (e.g. vegetation).
* Enhancement: Bounding box calculation for detected objects by using the 5th to 95th percentile.
* WebGUI: Extend network view to configure NTP time synchronization.
* WebGUI: Display all point clouds for multi sensor setups
* Feature Preview: Distributed processing for object tracking across multiple sensors (swarm).

| Distributed processing for object tracking across multiple sensors (swarm) |
| --- |
| ![swarm_multi_sensor_object_tracking]( |


* ONVIF: Support for motion and zone events via pull-point mechanism.
* ONVIF: Support for tampering & on-device processing health system events.
* ONVIF: Video resolution set to 800x600 with frame-rate of 7Hz.
* ONVIF: support for events in Milestone VMS.
* Support basic-authentication for ONVIF & RTSP video streaming.
* Option to configure the sizes for Object based security zones.

Volume Monitoring

* Add Occupancy zone to conditionally enable volume measurement.
* Zone editing: translate zone in rotated directions when the zone has been rotated.


* Enhancement: Data handling of the stored background was improved to only be stored when changed.
* Bugfix: Internal watch calls (e.g. for scan-pattern) handle cancellation properly. This might have resulted in unresponsive configuration views.
* Bugfix: Start / Stop behavior of perception pipeline stabilized which might have resulted in a high number of clients on core-processing module.
* Bugfix: State of security zones now contain the `num_detected_points` attribute again.

⚠ Due to security enhancements, downgrading to a previous release is not supported after updating.


* Enhancement: The perception algorithm for subtracting the static background has been improved significantly. Separation of foreground and background is now less sensitive to noise or artifacts in the point cloud acquisition.
* Breaking change: The API to configure the static background subtraction has been renamed from `octree` to `static`. Please make sure, that scripts or custom integrations of the Qb2 API are upgraded to the new version.
* Bugfix: Wrong limits were applied for the scan-pattern configuration on initial load of the WebGUI page.
* Bugfix: Allow creation of application keys with higher access level than `AUTHORIZED` via WebGUI.

| Application key with ADMIN privileges |
| ------ |
| ![authentication_create_admin_application_key]( |




* Enhanced viewer featuring augmented reality, object visualization, map integration, and full-screen mode, etc.
* User Management has been moved out of BETA and is now recommended for all sensors
* Uniform scan pattern implemented with high density and significantly improved distribution of trigger points
* Extended recording functionality now supports additional metadata and raw point cloud frames.
* Overhaul of internal processing for higher performance and reliability
* Improved recovery mode and updated recovery manual

| Classic scan pattern (old) | Uniform high density scan pattern (new) |
| ------ | ------ |
| ![Classic scan pattern]( | ![Uniform scan pattern]( |


* Object detection and object-based security zones
* ONVIF ALPHA (this implementation is not yet ONVIF conformant, and intrusions are not yet forwarded): Initial support with RTSP video streaming (tested against Senstar and Milestone VMS)
* Implementation of Foveation/Region of Interest scan pattern to improve detection capabilities for fence security use cases

| Object-based intrusion detection | ONVIF Video Stream |
| ------ | ------ |
| ![Object-based security zone]( | ![Milestone Video Stream]( |

Volume Monitoring

* Enhanced zone and label rendering in the viewer
* Improved sensor setup with enhanced error handling, distinct color representation for sensors, and support for application keys
* Improved stability and health messages

| Viewer with map | Improved sensor setup |
| ------ | ------ |
| ![Viewer with map]( | ![Improve sensor setup]( |

Breaking Changes

* Security: A warning is raised when user management is enabled. Devices without user management are deprecated. Refer to the [migration guide]( for assistance.
* WebGUI: The previous "Viewer" has been relocated to "Configuration / Zone Management." The revamped viewer is now read-only and solely intended for visualization purposes.
* Processing: Point-based security zones may exhibit slight behavioral differences due to the application of a voxel filter with a 5cm threshold on the foreground. It is advisable to validate and calibrate the detection system post-upgrade.
* Processing: Existing static backgrounds cannot be migrated to the major version. They will be automatically regenerated on the initial launch.
* Processing: Security zones do no longer operate in parallel with volume zones. They are automatically disabled, and a warning is issued.
* Processing: Security zones now only support a single sensor. If multiple sensors are configured, only the first sensor will be utilized, and a warning will be raised.

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