* Added Point Cloud Recording Button in WebGUI Viewer, enabling one-click recordings which can be directly visualized and processed with open source tools such as [ParaView](https://www.paraview.org), [CloudCompare](https://www.danielgm.net/cc/), or [Open3D](http://www.open3d.org/).
* New features for Embedded Percept:
* Embedded Percept now supports cone-shaped volumes zones for simplified setup in non-rectangular material sites.
* New zone type, "exclusion," for excluding specific regions from data processing.
* Percept algorithms can now be tuned with a configuration panel in the WebGUI viewer.
* The [maximum frame rate](https://docs.blickfeld.com/qb2/Qb2/v1.10/protocol/blickfeld/system/config/scan_pattern.html#_blickfeld_system_config_ScanPattern_FrameRate) is now calculated for scan patterns and displayed in the WebGUI.
* Added [aggregation health service API](https://docs.blickfeld.com/qb2/Qb2/v1.10/protocol/blickfeld/diagnostics/services/health.html) to the blickfeld-diagnostics module, simplifying the monitoring of large sensor setups.
| Point Cloud Recording in WebGUI |
| ------------- |
| ![webgui_recording_benni](https://github.com/Blickfeld/blickfeld-qb2/assets/61976394/9c88b06d-ff56-4ce3-8813-9dcc40bfbdfc) |