- Fix night vision toggling for older devices (owl) (`cocasema 756 <https://github.com/fronzbot/blinkpy/pull/756>`__)
- Add missing await to blinkapp.py (`mkmer 768 <https://github.com/fronzbot/blinkpy/pull/768>`__)
- Add check command to POST commands (`mkmer 772 <https://github.com/fronzbot/blinkpy/pull/772>`__)
- Fix blinkapp session call (`mkmer 783 <https://github.com/fronzbot/blinkpy/pull/783>`__)
**Other Changes**
- Cleanup readme, add breaking change warning
- Migrate to puproject.toml + ruff
- Bump ruff to 0.0.292
- Bump black to 23.9.1
- Bump coverage to 7.3.2
- Bump build to 1.0.3
- Bump pytest to 7.4.2
- Bump pytest-timeout to 2.2.0
- Fix 'stale' github action