
Latest version: v0.23.0

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- Fix getting doorbell details (`uvjim 584 <>`__)
- Potential fix for mixed camera usage (`fronzbot 590 <>`__)

**Other Changes**

- doc update (`dwaltsch 579 <>`__)
- Test re-factoring (`fronzbot 591 <>`__)
- Bump pylint to 2.14.3
- Bump coverage to 6.41
- Bump black to 22.3.0




- Debug log in prase download method fix (`tieum 540 <>`__)
- Fix issue with malformed thumbnails (`fronzbot 550 <>`__)
- Fully support new thumbnail API (`gdoermann 552 <>`__)

**New Features:**

- Support for arm/disarm of Blink Mini cameras (`mstratford 546 <>`__)
- Add product_type to BlinkCamera class to report type of camera (`fronzbot 553 <>`__)
- Remove python 3.6 support, add python 3.10 support (`fronzbot 554 <>`__)


- Make code that determines need for unique class (Mini + Doorbells) generic (`fronzbot 553 <>`__)
- Bump pre-commit to 2.17.0
- Bump pytest-timeout to 2.1.0
- Bump pygments to 2.11.2
- Bump black to 22.1.0
- Bump coverage to 6.3.2
- Bump pytest to 7.1.1
- Bump restructuredtext-lint to 1.4.0




- None

**New Features:**

- Support for Blink Doorbell (`magicalyak 526 <>`__)


- Bump pytest-cov to 3.0.0
- Bump pre-commit to 2.15.0
- Bump pytest to 6.2.5
- Bump pylint to 2.10.2
- Bump pygments to 2.10.0
- Bump flake8-docstrings to 1.6.0
- Bump pydocstyle to 6.0.0
- Bump coverage to 5.5



- Add delay parameter to Blink.download_videos method in order to throttle API during video retrieval (`fronzbot 437 <>`__)
- Bump pylint to 2.6.2




- Fix video downloading bug (`fronzbot 424 <>`__)
- Fix repeated authorization email bug (`fronzbot 432 <>`__ and `fronzbot #428 <>`__)

**New Features:**

- Add logout method (`fronzbot 429 <>`__)
- Add camera record method (`fronzbot 430 <>`__)


- Add debug script to main repo to help with general debug
- Upgrade login endpoint from v4 to v5
- Add python 3.9 support
- Bump coverage to 5.4
- Bump pytest to 6.2.2
- Bump pytest-cov to 2.11.1
- Bump pygments to 2.8.0
- Bump pre-commit to 2.10.1
- Bump restructuredtext-lint to 1.3.2




- Updated liveview endpoint (`fronzbot 389 <>`__)
- Fixed mini thumbnail not updating (`fronzbot 388 <>`__)
- Add exception catch to prevent NoneType error on refresh, added test to check behavior as well (`fronzbot 401 <>`__)
- Unrelated: had to add two force methods to refresh for testing purposes. Should not change normal usage.
- Fix malformed stream url (`fronzbot 395 <>`__)


- Moved testtools to requirements_test.txt (`fronzbot 387 <>`__)
- Bumped pytest to 6.1.1
- Bumped flake8 to 3.8.4
- Fixed README spelling (`rohitsud 381 <>`__)
- Bumped pygments to 2.7.1
- Bumped coverage to 5.3
- Bumped pydocstyle to 5.1.1
- Bumped pre-commit to 2.7.1
- Bumped pylint to 2.6.0
- Bumped pytest-cov to 2.10.1

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