* Azure timestamp parsing is now slightly faster * Replace `xmltodict` with `lxml` as it is slightly faster * Use lazy import for `pycryptodome` from hauntsaninja * Print request ids when azure auth fails
* Added new `configure` option, `multiprocessing_start_method` that defaults to `spawn`, due to issues with `fork`. To get the original behavior back, call `bf.configure(multiprocessing_start_method="fork")`
* Fix to default value for `use_azure_storage_account_key_fallback` from hauntsaninja
* Add support for anonymous auth for GCS * Clarify relationship with Tensorflow's `gfile`
* `parallel` option for `bf.copy` will now use a faster copy for azure when copying between two different storage accounts * fix a bug when reading a file from an account with read-only access and also using `cache_dir` * better error messages when using remote copy
* `parallel` option for `rmtree` * fix trailing semicolon with `bf.join` * add `save_access_token_to_disk` to save local access tokens locally * fix bug preventing parallel copy of empty file * calculate md5 for individual uploaded blocks * more consistent glob behavior on local paths * don't use global random state